
Showing posts from 2015


Happy Xmas comic, enjoy with Flingernose inconjuction with Peak Pathway Magazine


                          By Alex Luketa John. Virginia International University students and alumni are passionate about business, technology, innovation, and bringing change to their communities. One of our most passionate alumni is Alex John Luketa from Tanzania, whose passion is connecting African students with education opportunities in the US at VIU. Having graduated with an MBA in International Business Management, one of Alex’s most important lessons learned during his time at VIU was “you will not win if you don’t try.” This principle was true for Alex throughout his career – first, when he applied to VIU and was accepted, and then when, in an effort to improve his business and communication skills, he applied for an on-campus position.  When Alex applied for a VIU scholarship, he succeeded! “I realized that at VIU everything is possible; it is possible to meet diverse students, experienced professor...

Three Questions to unlock your authentic career: Ashley Stahl

Ashley Stahl is an award-winning advocate for women in security, named in 2013 by the Diplomatic Courier magazine and Young Professionals in Foreign Policy as a "Top 99 Under 33 Foreign Policy Leader." Ashley currently runs her own business as a career coach to college students and fresh graduates seeking to unlock their career goals and land the jobs that they deserve. She also contributes to Forbes on issues of national security and serves as Manager of the Enterprise Risk Management Center at Control Risks, a global political risk consultancy. In this position, Ashley leads a team of intelligence analysts who advise a Fortune 100 client on how to protect its personnel and assets from security threats in hostile environments around the world. Previously, Ashley was the Operations Lead for the Pentagon's Ministry of Defense Advisors (MoDA) training program, which prepares senior Department of Defense officials for their deployments to Afghanistan, where they wou...

Manage your Diabetes

By KUPOLUYI AyomikunOluwakemi The thought of visiting your doctor for a medical checkup can somehow be scary but it is probably the secret for one’s long life. Have you been diagnosed of diabetes mellitus? Do you   living with the disease? The following are tips to manage the disease, therefore, relax as you go through them. Being diagnosed as diabetic patient should not be viewed with hopelessness as if it is the end of the world for you. Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disease that occurs when the pancreas is no longer able to make insulin or when the body cannot make good use of the insulin it produces. Insulin is a peptide hormone that helps to transport glucose from the blood into the cells for conversion into energy. Hyperglycemia is simply an increase in blood glucose due to insulin malfunction. It is believed that diabetes affects about 350 and 400 million people worldwide.  Half of these people are not even aware they have this condition!


MY CAREER HEALTH TIPS Dr Samuel Awosolu                                                                In a society where large majorities are set in looking for quick fixes, hustle and bustle rat race life style.    It does not seem out of place that the aura of medication for any ailment rather than consulting the appropriate professional would rather go for concoctions pills, capsules etc. The society is almost certainly lawless regards regulation of peddling of all manners of drugs, medications, ‘wonder’ drugs.  The field of dentistry is teeming with many instances of self medication rather than professional advice. Oral health problems when confronted in the surgery are often at the late stages of its evolution. When the pairs has become unbearable, the pain is intense, sharp and often vacil...


To the Glory of God ,this Award is dedicated to all our Readers and Peak Pathway Magazine Crew for their support. The Award was given to us by Economic Students Association UPIB Forum, Benin Republic. More to come soonest.. Like us on


Enjoy TGIF  Peak Pathway Magazine in conjunction with Flingernosecomic

Four Principles to Effective Marketing Strategy.

By Brian Tracy There are four principles to effective marketing strategy. Each of these principles must be thought through carefully and then continually revisited as the business grows and changes. Any changes in any one of these areas can have an enormous impact on the sales of profitability of the business. Principle One: Specialisation You must decide exactly which area of your product or service market you are going to specialise in. You cannot be all things to all customers. Too many businesses make the mistake of trying to offer too many products or services to too many types of customers at too many prices in too many ways. This is not the way to wealth. Principle Two: Differentiation This is perhaps the most important strategic marketing principle of all. All business success requires a differentiation of some kind. All business success requires that you be both different from and better than your competitors in some clear, distinct way. 


                                                                        Dunmo y e F e mi T h e w o r d edu c at i o n w a s de ri v e d f r o m t h e L at i n w o r d ‘ edu c e r e ’ , w h i c h m e an s , to ’ d ig o u t ’ . T o b r i n g o r d i g o u t one ’ s ta l en t a n d de v e l o p o n e ’ s f a c u l t y o f m i n d t o d o s o m e t h i n g is edu c a t i on . C o n t r a r y t o w h a t m an y N i ge ri a n s w o u l d t h i n k o f, edu c a ti o n doe s no t on ly m ea n “ be i n g to s c h o o l ” b u t ap p l i c a t i o n o f t h e k n o w l e d g e g a i ne d f r o m s c h o o l p o si t i v e l y t o t h e s o c i et y . To b e c a ll e d a n edu c a t e d pe rs o n on e nee d to ap p l y t h e k no w l ed g...

The battle between your present and future self

Happy Sunday Speaker: Daniel Goldstein Every day, we make decisions that have good or bad consequences for our future selves. (Can I skip flossing just this one time?) Daniel Goldstein makes tools that help us imagine ourselves over time, so that we make smart choices for Future Us.


TGIF  Comic  Please enjoy and like our page on


                          By Alex Luketa John. Virginia International University students and alumni are passionate about business, technology, innovation, and bringing change to their communities. One of our most passionate alumni is Alex John Luketa from Tanzania, whose passion is connecting African students with education opportunities in the US at VIU. Having graduated with an MBA in International Business Management, one of Alex’s most important lessons learned during his time at VIU was “you will not win if you don’t try.” This principle was true for Alex throughout his career – first, when he applied to VIU and was accepted, and then when, in an effort to improve his business and communication skills, he applied for an on-campus position.  When Alex applied for a VIU scholarship, he succeeded! “I realized that at VIU everything is possible; it is possible to meet diverse students, experienced professors...


By Michael Igele Sally is a regular girl who has not swim in any river above four feet deep. She visit the beach and enjoyed strolling along its shores  once in a while. Sometimes,  she  sw im  briefly at the shallow part only to run out when the wave start rolling close. Lagos was full of frightening waters. She was twenty two years old when she travelled with her mother to the village during the sectional holiday. She was fair in complexion, long legs and had a brilliant look. Her hair was lovely, dark and curly. A rubber type of hair that made her beauty more charming. She enjoyed the company of her consanguine and family friends who took her serious ;she  loved adventures.  The spirit of being in the wild was so fascinating to her .  She could see and touch anything for free. When the children and some older ones said they were going to the river to swim and thereafter fetch water home, Sally too picked up her swimming suit and followed....

The art of being yourself | Caroline McHugh

Happy Sunday . Everyone must be him/herself for the betterment of our future... Enjoy!!!!!!!

Don't tell my wife

TGIF  Comic  Please enjoy and like our page on Source :  Flingernosecomics  inconjuction with Peak Pathway Magazine


         Dunmoye Femi        Students across the globe have different systems or methods which they use to read or study. For example, ‘uploading and downloading’ is one of the ways one can read. This is contrary to an ideal method of reading: In-depth learning. This is very effective and will be discussed here further.             In-depth learning means learning as much as possible about a particular topic. In-depth learning brings a clear picture between reading and studying. The in-depth learning enhances the reading for the sake of knowledge and understanding, and not only for the sake of passing a test with high grades or trying to impress people.             This takes me back to the memory lane. When I was doing my Diploma course at Kwara State Polytechnics,Ilorin. The system of reading by many students was ‘cram...


“Good morning, Doctor. How is life treating you?” “Good morning, Ladi. How is madam and the children?” “They are fine. Sorry, Doctor, please, I was told you are an optometrist. I am just hearing that for the first time. Is it the same as optician or ophthalmologist?” “Well, well, the optician, optometrist and the ophthalmologist are all eye care professionals, treating and maintaining the eye (vision and sight), complementing one another for the good of the patients.” “The optician is someone trained to grind and fix lenses into frames. He is a technician, who in the real sense has no business diagnosing diseases of the eye. He is not trained to test the eyes in any way. He simply receives prescription from the optometrist, ophthalmologist and patients to fix correctly into glasses. He also repairs damaged frames and advises patients on which frame shape best fits his/her face. He may be described as a face architect or Engineer. The optometrist is a trained professio...

Amanda Palmer: The art of asking

Happy Sunday. Don't make people pay for music, says Amanda Palmer. Let them. In a passionate talk that begins in her days as a street performer (drop a dollar in the hat for the Eight-Foot Bride!), she examines the new relationship between artist and fan. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more

Stage fright

By : Michael Igele ACT 1 SCENE 1 John, a final year student of University of Benin has been preparing for a seminar presentation. He has wondered how to overcome stage fright. The topic is very familiar to him and he believes he can do well but for stage fright. ACT 1 SCENE 1 Enter  John :    Good morning sir! Pharmacist : Good morning young man, how can I help you? John :        Please sir, I am presenting a seminar this afternoon, do you have any drug that can suppress stage fright? Pharmacist :   There are no such drugs except hard drugs which I do not sell, but strictly on prescription by the Doctor. You mean you don’t know what to do to overcome stage frights? So you just go to school without anything in your head. All you do is to read all the way but still leave empty space in your brain. When I was in school, I knew what to do. What everybody does including your professors and doctors before going for lec...