The Real Importance Of Gifts In Our Life

As gift-giving is an integral part of your life we want to give a special attention to the real importance of gifts in our life as often we simply buy and give gifts without that special feeling in the heart. Giving gifts shouldn’t be what’s done out of compulsion; it must come from the heart. When you give a gift, it should be done willfully without expecting to get something in return. Putting a smile on the face of the next person is more than enough motivation to give a gift and make you give more. It’s also a unique way to show the gift recipient that you have him or her in your thoughts.
Despite the cheer that comes from receiving a gift, there’s way more satisfaction from being the person giving the gift; a feeling which can’t be measured in monetary terms. The joy you get from opening a gift is but instantaneous, however giving provides a more self-satisfying experience that is sustainable.
We learn the importance of giving gifts when we are yet kids when we strive to get good grades to put a smile on the faces of our parents. A simple act but one which provides a tremendous response. It has been shown that giving makes us more joyful than receiving. It doesn’t make a difference if the gift is valuable or not. Below are different reasons why individuals give gifts.

Reason #1 – Gifts as a way of expressing love

Giving gifts is a demonstration of self-satisfaction, and it’s a wonderful way of strengthening bonds in a relationship. If you want to show your friend or loved one how much you care, giving gifts are a good way to do that and it doesn’t have to be a special event or occasion before you demonstrate your love. Gifts help show how much you love someone.
Giving gifts are a good way of showing your sincerity and good intentions to an individual. And many a time, when giving gifts, you should look to get useful gifts like creams and perfumes which are a better alternative to chocolates or roses. On the other hand, you may still give gifts like chocolates and roses for elevating happiness and well being.

Reason #2 – Gifts to celebrate a birthday

Birthdays are unique milestones in a person’s life to be celebrated each year, and there’s no age limit for it. Irrespective of the individual’s age, child or adult, it is important you give the person special attention during that day and make the person feel special for being a year older. A well thought out gift is an ideal way of making that person feel special, especially when it is a gift suitable for good wellbeing.

Reason #3 – Gifts to acknowledge someone special

Kind words and compliments are wonderful gifts but sometimes, something palpable goes a longer way especially if you are looking to show appreciation. If you are worried about money, a simple gift will suffice as people worth having in your life often don’t care for the price of your gift. You can give a gift of thanks to your father, mother, sister, sibling, or anybody that has helped you. A token of thankfulness is always appreciated especially when the gift if given sincerely. Corporate and business owners can also give their workers gifts to thank them for their diligent work or for their unflinching commitment to the firm. It motivates the employees and makes them perform better. A token of thankfulness can do miracles to the productivity of your business.

Reason #4 – Gift giving to keep in touch

Out of sight shouldn’t be out of mind and a reason to ruin your relationship. Surprise gifts can help in ways you could never imagine. Imagine sending a gift to a loved one whose on the other side of the world; it’s going to make your loved one blown away. A gift helps you stay in touch and keep that individual in your life. There’s no better way to show you still care than giving gifts to the person. The individual will remember you whenever he uses that gift.

Reason #5 – Gifts to say “Thanks.”

In instances when you need to give back to someone who has helped you or provided you a favor, gift giving is an ideal way to do that, and the very act of giving or receiving is the purest of reasons to give gifts. The collector will genuinely feel your appreciation when you give long lasting and thoughtful gifts.

Reason #6 – Gifts for Anniversaries

It is critical for married couples to remember the day of their wedding anniversaries and celebrate it. A thoughtful gift is a nice way to celebrate this fantastic occasion. An anniversary could also be the opening of a new business venture, which can also be celebrated with a gift. A gift can also be given to someone who started a new business, and this is a way to show the person that you remembered them during a special moment in their lives.

Reason #7 – Gifts for a new home

You might not have had the chance to help someone with their moving to their new home, but a gift is an ideal consolation. Moving to a new house is a significant step, especially for individuals who are starting their family.
Tradition dictates that when going for a house warming party, a gift should be brought along for the new homeowners. It’s also proper to bring a gift during your maiden visit to your friends or loved one’s new home. A gift is a perfect way to uplift the mood and wellbeing of that individual on moving to a new home. Gifts are the ideal “welcome” when celebrating this milestone with a friend.

Reason #8 – Gifts for advancement or new jobs

A new job is something that gets most persons excited. It is an event that leaves one with a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment, and you can make it more exceptional by celebrating with them by giving a gift. It implies that you share in their excitement, and are happy for them on their accomplishment.

Reason #9 – Gifts to apologize

There are times when you wrong a person, and a simple apology won’t cut it. At such times, when words are insufficient, a gift does the job. It will demonstrate that you are truly sorry for what you have done.

Reason #10 – Gifts for passing exams or achieving high grades

Parents and guardians can reward their children who work hard in school to maintain high grades or for giving specific grades. Gifts motivate and inspire the children to strive better in school. It will make them know that their diligence will be rewarded.
Regardless of what the reason is for giving a gift, the best gifts are those that come from the heart. Nothing beats giving gifts when trying to show how much you care.

What Kind Of Gifts Can We Give When On A Budget

Now that we are clear on the importance of giving gifts, what happens when the budget for that gift is a little short? No fulfillment comes more than when we give a gift which gets appreciated– something that shows how well you know the recipient and the value you place on your relationship with them. What’s more, contrary to what sales ads will tell you, you don’t need loads of cash to get the right gift. Truth be told, the best gifts are frequently the ones that cost less money, but take a bit more time, thought and creativity. Take a look at this list for gift ideas that tug at the heartstrings while giving your wallet a genuinely necessary rest.

Gifts That Are Nearly Free

Even if you are cash-strapped, it doesn’t mean you can’t give gifts to your friends, family, and co-workers without going into debt. To do that, you have to get creative. Here are a few thoughts on getting your creative juices flowing:
  1. Give what you do– A gift from the heart is one of time and talent. What is it you do well? Cooking, cleaning, looking after children, sewing, driving, shopping? Whatever it is, you can make a gift out of it. A few days of babysitting, a day of housecleaning, six hours of errand running—I’m sure you get the idea.
  2. A treasure– Giving out what you already own costs you nothing and when someone has repeatedly admired any particular item you have, you can surprise them with a gift of that item That person would forever adore and cherish the gift, and the fact that you knew enough to notice their opinions. The main idea here is giving a treasured item to someone who has demonstrated a genuine affection for it. Anything contrary would leave you both disappointed.
  3. Organize a swap– This is especially impressive if you and your circle of friends have small children. Everybody gets those toys that are in excellent condition which their children have outgrown or grown tired of, clean and sanitize them properly. Then without the kids being present, get together and swap. The kids will be surprised and excited at their new toys. Imagine all the swaps like this which you can organize.
  4. Home roasted coffee beans– Making coffee beans are very simple, but few persons think to roast their coffee beans. All you have to do is only buy green beans locally or online, and follow the guidelines to bake them in the oven, on an outdoor stove or in a popcorn popper. Coffee beans are very cheap, usually around $5 per pound. Home roasted gourmet coffee makes a remarkable gift, packaged in any container and customized with your signature blend or the gift recipient’s name.
  5. Recipe book– Make a recipe book containing an accumulation of your most loved recipes and a small assortment of samples. Recipe books are also a nice way to pass on your culinary traditions to your loved ones.
  6. Family Calendar– Make a calendar that includes significant family dates like birthdays and anniversaries. Add family pictures, and then make a copy for every individual or family member. There are several sites which have tools and templates you can use to create all kinds of beautiful things.

Memories To Last A LifeTime

What would you do this coming Christmas season if you had no cash to spend and no available credit? Although this situation is one nobody wants to be in, sometimes it happens. An ideal response to this situation is to seek what our hearts yearn for most, without overspending and without venturing into the red. What’s required is an ability to think innovatively and have the courage to put a freeze on the credit cards.
  • Traditions we have– Christmas ceremonies resemble anchors in our lives.  Doing the same things together, year after year guarantees that even in a fast evolving world, certain things never change. Family hikes, vacations, picnics, and parties are gifts which the entire family can enjoy and remember for some time to come.
  • Our passions– Are you thinking of a gift to show how much you care? Find a way to show your loved one you care about what matters to them most. Is he enthusiastic about medical research? Become an organ donor. Is she interested in saving the environment? Give to an association that reforests and plant a tree in her name. Do something this individual holds in regard and do it in their honor. This thought would be a great gift for them.
  • Our hearts– Worried your gifts—homemade or otherwise—are too cheap or not ideal? The questions will disappear when you compose a short note that you append to each of your gifts. Tell the recipient what he or she means to you and the value they bring to your life.
The best gift is one that conveys a message of love and joy that stays with the recipient long after the gift has been consumed, utilized or discarded. The best times are the ones that remain in our recollections—the things that neither money nor credit can buy.



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