Whether it’s spiders, heights, bees, or knees, we all have something that sparks dread in the pit of our stomachs. The good news is you don’t need to let fear continue to hold you back... Many people have irrational fears, and while most of us can control them, for some this fear can spiral out of control and cause severe anxiety – which is completely overwhelming, and not related to any real danger. Fear becomes a phobia when it interferes with everyday life and the more common phobias you’ll probably recognize include the fear of spiders, germs and diseases, flying, injections, or the dentist. Symptoms can include feeling dizzy, a racing heart, overwhelming panic, tingling, feeling sick, and an intense desire to escape. When people are exposed to the feared object or situation, rationally they know that they are not in danger, but they feel unable to manage their terror. However, you can break free from your fears and stop them from holding you back; on...