
Showing posts from January, 2020


Whether it’s spiders, heights, bees, or knees, we all have something that sparks dread in the pit of our stomachs. The good news is you don’t need to let fear continue to hold you back... Many people have irrational fears, and while most of us can control them, for some this fear can spiral out of control and cause severe anxiety – which is completely overwhelming, and not related to any real danger. Fear becomes a phobia when it interferes with everyday life and the more common phobias you’ll probably recognize include the fear of spiders, germs and diseases, flying, injections, or the dentist. Symptoms can include feeling dizzy, a racing heart, overwhelming panic, tingling, feeling sick, and an intense desire to escape. When people are exposed to the feared object or situation, rationally they know that they are not in danger, but they feel unable to manage their terror. However, you can break free from your fears and stop them from holding you back; on...

17 Reasons To Never Give Up

The words “Give” and “Up” should never be together. Rather the word NO shouldn’t even be in your dictionary. Being part of the human race you are one of the most resilient and strongest beings to have ever walked on the earth.  You are practically legendary . Comparing you to people who lived just 100 years ago you will notice that you know a lot more things than they did and you are 1000 times more connected and up to date then they could even imagine. There are a countless number of positives inside of you that you probably don’t even realize. And every now and then when you lose motivation a quick reminder of what your potential is can really help. Just always keep in mind that to taste success you are always faced with  temporary  defeat. If you give up at these defeats you will fail, but if you keep going you will become successful. These strategies will inspire and motivate you to keep going and never give up. 17 Reasons To Never Give Up: 1. You Are Al...
6 Steps to Conflict Resolution in the Workplace Conflict resolution in the workplace can be broken down into steps to simplify the process. By doing so, HR and managers can ensure more effective communication and a more effective conflict resolution process. Six Steps to the Conflict Resolution Process Clarify what the disagreement is.  Clarifying involves getting to the heart of the conflict. The goal of this step is to get both sides to agree on what the disagreement is. To do this, you need to discuss what needs are not being met on both sides of the conflict and ensure mutual understanding. During the process, obtain as much information as possible on each side’s point of view. Continue to ask questions until you are certain that all parties involved (you and those on either side of the conflict) understand the issue. Establish a common goal for both parties.  In this step of the process, both sides agree on the desired outcome of the conflict. “When people kno...


5 Steps to Good Decision Making Each day we are faced with situations in life that require us to make choices. Some of these choices are easy, and at times, some of them can be difficult. Easy decisions consist of things like what clothing you should wear; most people choose what to wear based on the season of the year, the weather of the day, and where they might be going. Other easy decisions consist of things like what to eat, what movie to see, and what television programs to watch.   Decisions that seem to be the most difficult are those that require a deeper level of thought. Examples of difficult decisions consist of things like where to attend college, what career path would be best, and/or whether or not to marry and start a family. These types of decisions are difficult because they are life-changing decisions; they shape who we are, and they shape our future. Making good decisions is a method that must be learned. It is not something with which we are innat...


10 TIPS FOR MANAGING TIME EFFECTIVELY Time flies – always. That makes time a variable that can be hard to control and monitor. And once time has slipped away, you never get it back. For companies, time lost equals dollars lost. In a business environment where employees and skilled professionals are hired based on their input and productivity at a set time, it's a great time to teach them time management skills. Why? They'll not only keep better track of time but also have the opportunity to track their progress in projects and contribute to the company's success. Being conscious of time will result in self-improvement and goal achievement. That's true in both your work and personal life. What's the best way to manage time effectively? Applying these 10 tips is a good start. 1. Have a Time Check Know exactly how you spend your time. In an office setting, you should know the tasks that are stealing your time. Then you can do something about it. For examp...

Have Confidencat affirmations such as “I believe in myself” every day. Your thoughts become words and your words become your actions. If you continue to tell yourself that you believe in yourself, eventually you really will believe in yourself. It’s that simple. Have the courage to accept yourself as you really are—not as you might be, or as someone else thinks y

How To Believe In Yourself Most people start off with little or low self-confidence, but as a result of their own efforts, they become bold and brave and outgoing. And we’ve discovered that if you do the same things that other self-confident men and women do, you, too, will experience the same feelings and get the same results. The key is to be true to yourself, to be true to the very best that is in you, and to live your life consistent with your highest values and aspirations. This is the only way to truly learn how to believe in yourself. Take some time to think about who you are and what you believe in and what is important to you. If you want to change your life by becoming an author, believe that you can do it. The hardest step in that journey is finding the confidence to learn how to write a book. Once you get a hold of a proven system to plan, produce, and publish your work, the larger goal becomes easier to attain. By believing in yourself, you will find the courage...


Self-development 1. Your habits can make or break you.  Every action is a brick, meaning it's what you do on a daily basis that determines the house you end up with. You are the house you build. 2. You are what you read.  If your body is a reflection of what you eat, then your mind is a reflection of what you read and study. Fill it with good stuff--not candy, like social media. 3. You cannot compare your path with anyone else's.  We each have our own struggles, and we each have our own triumphs. Your path is your path for a reason. Pay attention to the lessons meant for you and you only. 4. Your inner circle is your "dream team."  If you surround yourself with negative people, your dream will die. If you surround yourself with positive and driven people, your dream will thrive. It's on you to build your "dream team" accordingly. 5. Your life is a reflection of how well you know yourself.  It always comes back to self-awareness. T...