3 Qualities of Optimistic Leaders

Optimistic leaders have three main qualities:

1. They anticipate the joy in life.

When I was a child, I used to love the anticipation of Christmas. On November 1, I would make construction paper rings that had the number of days until Christmas on them, and I’d tear one off each day. Christmas itself was fun, but I enjoyed the days leading up to it more. I’m the same way now. I’m always relishing the anticipation of joyous occasions.
Great leaders don’t dwell on the challenges their organizations face, but rather anticipate the exciting opportunities to come.

2. They let gratitude guide them.

Life is short, and we need to be grateful for it. My father, who I was very close to, passed away recently at 92. I was an only child, and my mother died many years ago. My father lived an amazing life. He was healthy up until the very end. I remember talking to him in his last weeks of life, and he said, “I just can’t believe I’m this old.” Life flies by, and we need to be grateful for each passing moment.
Exceptional leaders regularly thank their team members for their work. They let them know they appreciate their efforts and value their commitment.

3. They expect to win.

Optimistic leaders have the mindset that victory is always within reach. They know they can win. It’s better to be disappointed in losing than expecting you’ll fail. If you expect to win, your hopeful mindset will ripple throughout your organization.
Living with an optimistic mindset guarantees that whatever life hands you, you’re going to be happier. You’re going to be more fulfilled. You’re going to cope with challenges better. And you’re going to have a positive impact on those around you.

Source: success.com


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