5 Effective Steps for Setting ‘Why’ Goals

5 Effective Steps for Setting Why Goals

1. Ask why until you hit a value.

Remember when you used to dig holes in the sand at the beach until you hit water? It’s like that—except “Why?” is the shovel and your value is the water. Keep asking why until you hit the value.
You can do this for yourself, with a friend, or work with a coach. Sometimes “Why?” can feel a little judgey or make you go too deep into your head. If that happens, ask the question a bit differently: What’s important to you about that? What makes you want it?
As you ask the questions, be on the lookout for emotions. As you notice a lump in your throat, or, if you’re doing this with someone else, a pause in your voice, get curious about what’s going on. Our feelings (hi, limbic brain!) tend to lead us to our values, and they’re useful for getting into action and staying engaged.

2. Create the vision.

Once you find the value, don’t stop. Explore what it is about that value that is so meaningful. Ask questions like: What would it be like to achieve that goal? What would life be like if you no longer had to second-guess your appearance? What if you were able to help one young woman overcome her body image issues? What would be possible for you?
Make sure you capture an understanding of what accomplishing the goal would feel like. Having a keen sense of awareness of the end-state is one of the most motivating factors when going after a goal.
Then capture it: Write it down in your journal, paint it or record yourself talking about it. You’ll come back to this vision when the going gets tough.

3. Get SMART about it.

You may have heard of SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound. Once you have your why and your vision, it’s time to employ this method. Let’s see how Michelle used SMART goals:
The goal of “losing weight” is slippery. For some, losing five pounds might be really meaningful; for Michelle, that wouldn’t bring her one step closer to speaking on stage. When I asked her about what specifically she wanted, she didn’t hesitate: “I need to lose 30 pounds and bring my BMI to a 20.” This wasn’t only specific, it was quite measurable: She’d know exactly how she was progressing whenever she wanted.
Michelle’s goal might have seemed a little ambitious, but we made it achievable by creating a workout schedule that ramped up in terms of time and difficulty. We put together a healthy diet that included room for occasional sweets. Michelle knew that she needed to ease into it and leave room and acceptance for missed workouts and cupcakes if she was going to see this through.
To ensure her goal stayed relevant, Michelle posted the TED Talk application on her refrigerator. She wanted her why to be front and center each time she reached for a snack.
Finally, Michelle gave herself eight months to lose the weight; the time-bound nature felt doable (four pounds a month) and inspiring.

4. Give yourself permission to change course.

Too often we set goals and then refuse to bend our own rules. Rigid rules may work for some (for most, it results in giving up completely), but they can also lead you down a path that is no longer on purpose with your original why.
As with all things in life, the goal posts may change. Michelle might have originally wanted to lose 30 pounds, but as she shed the pounds, she might have felt great with losing 25 pounds. Should she continue to push forward, or if she felt confident enough to take the stage, could she stop there?
To ensure you’re staying true to your why, plan purposeful check-ins. These can be calendar reminders or a check-in with a coach. Ask questions like:
  • Am I still going after the right goal?
  • Do I remain as committed to my stated purpose? Why?
  • What do I need to shift?

5. Celebrate!

It’s easy to drive past our wins without even looking out the window. But if you’re going to stick to your challenging and meaningful goals, make sure you enjoy the view. As you create your roadmap to achieve your goals, include benchmarks and rewards. They should be activities or gifts to yourself that are motivating and cause you to reflect on what you’re learning and who you’re becoming.



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