The world in all its ramification is going through economy clampdown due to pandemic outbursts in many nations, many are yet to recuperate of all the damages the virus had done this far. We all saw what measures of destruction s the WUHAN out-pour done in terms of ravaging people to death, clamping down economies, communal transmissions, shut down of relevant activities, the lockdown of churches, mosques, ministries, departments, agencies, marketplaces and all global citadels of learning.
The mayhem enlisted above had cost a lot of developed and undeveloped nations to start gasping for a breath of survival mainly about how to resuscitate there befallen economy and as if that his not enough many love ones who were devastated to death innocently without knowledge of there demising it even the most saddening aspect of all the destruction the Wuhan outburst has done to so many innocent souls God should keep granting them the fortitude to always bear the loss.
Treasuries of many nations are facing painful drain up and most of their masses are all yelling for save our souls because of the height of starvation that has malnutrition-ed many less privileged masses most of such victims are children and some low-class individuals who fed their individual families below one dollar which had been a long age prognosis.
The world at large is going through this same ugly trend of capital liquidation engrossed by the clampdown of the pandemic, so many nations are judiciously managing the leftover they have while Nigeria case is excluded from the method of financial management because most of our government officials are filled with self-aggrandizement which disparaged them from nations that are always accountable in capital expenditures used mainly for most of their capital projects.
Nigeria.number citizen should not be left out of rightful financial literacy for adequate human capital development if our first citizen knowledgeable value what it is to be mindful of our national treasury and what our foreign exchange should look like then there shouldn't be any real essence of putting for a loan in any reason due to the clampdown been faced from the reawakening of our treasuries, which many nations that have been independent are also now dependent, why most of them did not look towards that direction of loaning that Nigeria is treading because they believe it will do them more harm than good.
The various loan crediting institutions e.g I.M.F.A.F.B.D, and most fervent that one normally been worshiped by all derailed worshipers WORLD BANK- I suggest they too are all out of balance so any nations who peradventure asked their loan crediting will hardly be bitten because now is just like they are more than overwhelmed so going to them for credit loaning will usurped by their intent way financial usuries.


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