HAVING A HEALTHY FOOD LIFESTYLE Ever wonder how to really balance up food and good health? It really is possible and achievable. It might even not cost you so much to be healthy. Endeavor to make half of your meal fruit and vegetable-based. Accepting fruits and veggies as a major part of your meal will help in boosting your body system generally and give you good health. Embrace whole grains and not refined grains. Take in healthy grain products and if possible get the natural unprocessed ones. they are very rich. Do away with full-fat cream or milk, instead use low-fat or fat-free milk. You do not need too much fat in your body. Increase to an extent your intake of protein food. This is not limited to meat, fish, and the likes; it extends down to beans, peas, and others. For meats, try as much as possible to take lean meat. Drink water. Water is good for the body. It is the best drink for all. Put aside all of those sugary drinks and take water. What do you think of seafood? Seafood is very good and of great nutrients. They are rich in protein, Omega-3, fatty acid, minerals. Seafood is, but not limited to, salmon, tuna, mackerel, shrimps, crayfish, oyster. Be wary of sodium in all you eat. Starting from your drinks, processed or canned meals, seasoning, stock cubes, and others, be careful. Sodium is not good for the body. A deposit of sodium in the body causes more havoc than you could ever imagine. Take it easy with solid fats. As necessary as it might be to eat solid fats such as butter and margarine, do not eat too much. Keeping all of these well will help to have a healthy food lifestyle. Food plays a great part in the journey of being healthy. Watch and be mindful of what and how you eat. Akinleye Grace Oluwabusola


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