National focus is an avenue to viewing and reviewing of our nation dividends of democracy prognosis that our teeming masses are nursing as an unhealed wounds this age long.
It is a very saddening perception that has turn our nation to a laughing stock before other fast developing nations,i think tnis is unworthy of all our government elective office holders that for how long do they want continue in this ugly reasoning of carrying out their poor exemplary leadership governance.
Nigerians,have endured all these their ill outrageous way of governing us,but they should know that most of our masses that are crying out their agonies also see all the ill-mannered undue process type of political leadership,but dont they use rethink that we have been towing through this nontransparent method of governance which has induced this nation into a down graded ranking among mang other nations whose both natural and human resources are not worthy in comparison to ours.
Relief palliatives such as monetary donors,personal protective equipment s,and even edible foods are also involve but are they telling us that they are beneficiaries of those relief palliatives,of course not but the unconvincing issues there is that none of the POOREST of the poor can boastfully say that the donated relief palliatives really got to them.
Our political office holders should know that is big slap of their faces which portray them as unaccountable set of bureaucrats as leaders,then for how should they continue facing one direction of unaccountable and in transparency way carrying out there leadership abilities,can they for once change from these old garments of poor mentality by uncompelling their selves from age long disgusting way of governance.
Nigerians,are sick and tired but speechless because they have unbounded us that our rights have been truncated without any remedy than suffering and painful feelings of which it has been the other of day or our everyday life style of our deserted masses.
Truth cannot said we should say it,where ae the relief palliative or monetary rewards for our lacking masses in this overwhelming pandemic era that has put off alot populace activities that do carry out to feed themselves with and families devastating issues is even our children are all left without any tangible efforts to that these young generation have been deprived of going to their schools and with this hunger biting will all ne meted on their less privileged parents,if i may ask ay least most our politicians are coming from this sort of backgrounds as well, then what make them so heartless that they can be considerate that it is not deem fit for them to keep towing such shameful path of governance which elude aorta of true federalism.
Beseeching,our laudable political office holders to come of their poor leadership comfort zones and go further to emulate nations that are thriving progressively in manning affairs of true federalism that make their handling of masses unique from our before i believe we can come out of our national retrogression of governance that en garment their political pedigree has leaders without reasonable visions backing there manifesto.

Olawale Taylor


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