The federal government announced the temporary lockdown  easing of some states of which there is nothing glaring that it will bring sigh of reliefs for the masses that were been lock down without any monetary rewards or food palliatives for their individual sustainance.
              Where next do we go to when our government have turned there backs against the well deserved rights for our livelihood,many did not know where their next meals will come from.mostly the less priviledged are the most vulnerable,even our so called public servants are treated more unique than there private personels who are going through divided idea about what will become of them if eventually some of them have been shown their way out and the fortunate ones are left with deducted take homes wages.
        The temporary easing of the lockdown is to derail Nigerians of the plain knowledge of how they have been denied and dejected of their fundamental rights,which they did not emulate from there foreign counterparts.
           It is very obvious that our leaders are so fistful glued after receiving surplus financial donors from home and abroad without having any positive effects in the lives of our improvised children and starving adults, with this they now want to enforced adherence of the government directives in eradicating community transmission of this global pandemical virus.
            Nigerians have been in such plight for long without national dividends that is not well utilized by our various political office holders when majorly there states and constituencies allocations are disbursed for mostly the upkeep of all masses under their auspices,
             Temporary lock down easing should be an avenue where the citizens will all be abated from our government made STARVATONAL virus,like if they are willing it would have not have anything doing with easing we all from our varuous individual closets,i think it was to proper attention in area of giving us our democratic fundamental rights.
              It is messmerizing to us the POOREST of the poor or vulnerable ones,their foresigths are deem and thats why they are storny hearted to know that this cannot well spelt  them before other international communities who they believe mentally confounded when giving them accredictation as a developed nation,which in returned make them underdeveloped in stringent governmental dividend to we all .

Taylor olawale


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