5 Powerful Tips to Overcome Fear of Public Speaking

 Many surveys have shown that public speaking is the most common fear after the fear of dying! In fact, as you are reading this article, thousands of people around the world are about to perform speeches. Many of them are scared senseless, but some truly enjoy it.

So what separates confident public speakers from those who avoid addressing an audience like the plague? In this article, I’m going to give you 9 powerful tips to help you overcome your fear of public speaking and deliver a great speech.

1. Understand that public speaking is a learnable skill.

Let’s be clear, public speaking is a skill. And, like any other skill, it can be learned. The better you get at it, the more confident you will become. “I’m not a good communicator” or “I’m not charismatic” aren’t valid excuses. I’ve always been interested in why some people are charismatic, while others seem to lack it entirely. In the end, however, I realized that, if you break it down to its simplest element, good public speaking isn’t about charisma. It’s essentially a mix of words and gestures. Can you learn to use better words? Of course. Can you improve your body language? Sure. Can you work on your voice? Yes, you can. In fact, if you are committed enough and willing to put enough time and effort into it, there’s no reason you can’t become a world-class public speaker! The first step is to believe that it’s possible. If that’s something you struggle with, check out these awesome quotes that will make you believe in yourself again.

2. Focus on your message, not on yourself.

One of the biggest problems people have when speaking in front of an audience is that they are overly self-conscious. They worry too much about what other people think of them and become nervous. One of the most powerful techniques you can use when giving a speech is to focus on your message rather than focusing on yourself. In fact, from the standpoint of your audience, you aren’t as important as you may think you are. Your audience is much more interested in what you have to say and how they’re going to benefit from it than they are in you as a person. You’re simply a vehicle for your message. The vehicle isn’t important, the message is.

3. Have some “me time” before you go on stage.

Whenever possible, take some time for yourself just before your speech in order to prepare yourself mentally. Use this time to focus on the message you want to deliver and the impact you want to have on your audience. Dan Lok has a great visualization exercise that can be used to do just that. He imagines a white light coming from the sky and hitting him. This light becomes brighter and brighter and spreads across the entire room, reaching every single person there. It reminds him that his message should provide value to everybody in the room, even those who may not necessarily like him.

4. Take your time and become comfortable with silence.

Most people tend to talk too fast when they’re nervous. This is usually because, on a subconscious level, we want to get out of the situation as soon as possible. The faster you speak, of course, the sooner you’ll be done. That’s why it’s important that you remember to take your time. Personally, I like to take a few seconds to look at the audience and make eye contact with them before I start my speech.. This technique has multiple benefits.

Firstly, it makes you look more confident and increases the chance that people will listen to you and your message. Silence in itself has tremendous power.

Secondly, it allows you to start building a relationship with your audience. An audience is made of people and, by creating personal connections with some of them, you’ll begin to see your audience as a gathering of individuals like you rather than a scary and intimidating entity you’ve created in your mind. This will greatly reduce your nervousness.

Last but not least, this technique gives you a sense of ownership. It gives you a sense that you control the room. Remember that public speaking is a fantastic opportunity for you to deliver your message. In an age of boundless technology, how often do you get a chance to capture the undivided attention of a group of people.

5. Start your speech with a great ice-breaker.

If you can start your speech well and connect with your audience from the get-go, everything will be easier. Try to involve your audience from the beginning of your speech and make your best effort to engage with them. Think of your presentation as a conversation with your audience rather than a one-sided interaction. It’s best to talk to them, not at them.

Personally, a great thing I like to do is to start my speech by asking my audience a question. You can also ask your audience to repeat something you’ve said or raise their hands. You can even ask them to stand up.

By: Olamide Olatunji

Source: https://motivationgrid.com/overcomet-fear-of-public-speaking


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