Power of Focus

Publisher Note!

The editorial of the maiden edition of this magazine highlighted the few attributes that need to be well understood in getting to very top. These are adoption of positive attitude, researching which is achievable through deep and wide reading in your chosen field, being prepared for potential opportunity, and finally the concept of being focused.
The power of focus will be considered solely in this editorial. It is very essential and cannot be over-emphasized in one’s journey of success. In order to better inculcate this attribute, the following will be needed:

• Self discovery:
Nothing can be so frustrating as ‘not knowing who you are’, and yet working frantically toward a goal. There will definitely be a disconnection. You must really understand your weakness and strength, and respectively work on it and amplify it. Without this self discovery, you are bound to start your journey of success possibly on a wrong road. The person focuses but might likely be in a vicious circle. Self discovery will also enable you to understand your innate talents and what is needed to tailor it to success. If this is done, possibility of concentrating on supposedly ‘talent’ to one’s demerit will be reduced. Therefore, discover and develop your talent, and your focus will be worthwhile.

• Confidence:
‘Self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings’. These are the words of Samuel Johnson, an English writer. No matter your sense of focus, you will be ‘de-focussed’ if you permit fear. Fear is natural and also a part of one’s life but one must not allow it to take root, as it will adversely affect one. There is a coined acronym for FEAR which is: False Evidence Appearing Real.
It is your in-built confidence which gives inner calm that can be used to dispel every appearance of fear as you move along. Your confidence will therefore make you to be focused.

• Mentorship:
The lack of experience or unexpected happenings in your journey of success are enough to put a stop to the goal you wants to achieve in life. But, there are people who had passed through that road before and faced similar challenges. They are therefore needed to counsel you from time to time using their success stories as prove of how they weathered the storms.You will need a good mentor and you must show that you are equally teachable and also ready to sacrifice as a protégé.The mentor will not make you to be distracted from your goal when the going is tough.

• Meditation:
Daily self-assessment with absolute reflection without any form of distraction will always make your focus to be effective. It is during this period of meditation you possibly solve some earlier encountered puzzle in your vision or how you will go around it.

• Accountability:
Be accountable, if possible, to someone with higher authority than you. It can be someone who will not mince words to tell you the truth as regards your journey of success. Someone who will tell it to your face if you are going off the track as regards your vision. With this, you can quickly re-focus. Above all, ’unto yourself, be truthful’.

See you at the top! God bless you.

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