(As a Marketing Solution)

THE PERFECT introduction to the wonders of the Practical Marketing Course, with all 
due respect, emotions and excitements. This is a course, though, which never tries to avoid the truth because of its 100% Practical Marketing and Selling approach.

It is a Pure Self-Driving Course. It is a course that all Marketers and sales people 
cannot avoid, whether you are experienced or fresher or you who don't even have any
Marketing knowledge at all. 

The saying goes that there is no gain without pain, but I tell you this
course will give you only the gain and wipe your pain off.

You are given a chance to practically sell, while inspiring yourself before you
embark on the journey of selling in the real world.

The Practical Marketing/Selling will enable you to communicate your true feelings while also teaching you how it happened in the real world. 

In our Practical Marketing/Selling you are provided with the Frame work for 
creating an organized approach to making use of the most of your TALENTS. 
It is so hard for new Marketers or somebody who has no knowledge of marketing
or selling to know exactly where to start. They are bombarded with all kinds of objections and cases of rejection all around them and often time they have no clue about the 
kind of benefits the product(s) they want to sell or are selling have, or the path they
want to take in the selling of the product(s) or people that actually make up their product's target market 

The FFA Practical Marketing course with its comprehensive and consistent Training 
and advice covers all aspects of Marketing and selling thus clearing your doubt and 
confusion and encouraging attendees to find their track to which their own voice 
and their own talents are most suited. 

The set Practical Marketing helps to foster good attitude towards self-discipline and a self-driving mindset  and give a kind of mock deadline perspective and very good apprenticeship skills. 

The most important thing, for beginners is to know just how to mold brilliant practical
Marketing ideas into workable materials.

Though it is sometimes extremely difficult to step away from the performance that
 happens inside the head and take a long, clear look at what you have actually performed
on stage.

Though, there has to be no room for misinterpretation but, often, the practical marketing presentation bears huge resemblance to the real world of selling.

Majority of marketers have difficulty observing their prospect's mood, identify their needs, identify buying signals, identify the time to trial close and close. 
They assume so much for their prospects instead of asking them questions to be able to identify their needs. 

With the practical marketing you will know many of your flaws and gaps which can become too obvious on the stage of presentation. 

The FactFocus Akkotian Practical Marketing course will help to overcome these difficulties by showing all the attendees how to develop their inner talents and 
use it to identify and solve all the difficulties one by one and become  professional marketers making impressive sales.

Thank you once again.

If you have questions or comments regarding this newsletter:

Please contact us through: 
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Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.


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