5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Change Yourself Just to Please Others

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In a world full of demands, it is crucial that we stay true to ourselves. Life is full of people who come and go and will undoubtedly leave a mark on us. We might come across some who intimidate us and some who are hard to please. This doesn’t mean you should change yourself for their satisfaction, and here are 5 reasons why.

It’s impossible to please everyone
Perfection does not exist. It is important to avoid falling into this trap where you feel the need to live up to someone’s expectations. At the the end of the day, you’ll only be wearing yourself out by trying to make someone else happy, so don’t go robbing yourself of your own happiness. You will only be draining yourself of energy that can be used for something productive.

Live by your own rules
Don’t let the distaste of others influence you. It’s important for people to know the real you—there are people out there who will appreciate you just the way you are. Not everyone will like you, but the ones who stick around are the ones you’ll know truly value you.

You Lose track of yourself
By trying to satisfy others you will end up losing track of who you are.You are not obligated to please others. Stop trying to make others love you—remember that the only person who will truly need your love…is you.

Only you know your true essence
You are the only one who knows what lies within. Therefore, you are the only one who knows what you are truly capable of in life. Don’t let the opinions of others disrupt this.

Disrespect is not acceptable
If someone doesn’t respect you for who you are, then don’t let it bother you. Respect is something earned not just thrown out there-especially to those who don’t deserve it. Also, if someone doesn’t respect you, then it’s important that you respect yourself and walk away from them.

source: www.womenworking.com


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