5 Steps to Discovering Your Passion
Have you ever noticed the way people seem to light up when talking about something they’re passionate about?
Their eyes sparkle. Their words overflow with possibility. And most
noticeably, they radiate an infectious energy that leaves no doubt
in your mind: They are living out their dreams to the fullest.
So what about those of us who haven’t found our passion? How do we go about discovering what our dreams are made of?
Pay attention.
Time flies when you’re having fun. Cliché? Yes. But true.
Passions are pursuits that make us lose sense of time, so take note of
the type of activities that make you feel so immersed and interested
that you aren’t aware of the ticking clock.
Be childish.
What did you love to do when you were in grade school? Chances are
your junior self was on to something when you drew silly comics,
collected rocks or played make-believe on the playground. Studies show
that the things we enjoyed when we were young are often directly tied to
what we become passionate about as adults.
Don’t be shy. Survey friends, coworkers or loved ones: “What do you
think my passion is?” While their answers may not be the grand epiphany
you’re seeking, their outside perspectives will be valuable in helping
you get there. Passions grow out of our most innate abilities and
interests, and outside eyes can help us realize how unique our strengths
truly are.
Work out.
Passion requires constant nurturing. Just as your body needs
nourishment and exercise to stay strong, passion also needs to be
cultivated and cared for. This might be as simple as reading a book,
going to a class, bouncing ideas off a friend or joining an organization
of people who share the same passion.
Trust your inner voice.
Pursuing one’s passion requires being comfortable with your authentic
self. Work on letting go of your fears, and seek out people and places
that make you feel like yourself. By surrounding yourself with these
genuine environments, you’re in a better place to tune into your
passion—and grow your dreams from its countless possibilities.
source: www.dreamfearlessly.com