Why Self-Control Creates Even More Success


Here are the main reasons why you should cultivate self-control in order to become successful. While confidence is important for effective leadership and communication, sometimes people rely too much on confidence and skimp on the hours they need to put in to develop what is called tacit knowledge.

Self-Control Generates Tacit Knowledge

Tacit knowledge is experience based knowledge which is somewhat intuitive. It is different than knowledge found in books and is a part of what the book ‘Outliers’ touches upon. To become an expert it is said you need to put in 10,000 hours of work on a subject. What we are talking about is time.
When people are overconfident, they may feel they can put in as little effort as possible and still be successful. This can lead to a knowledge gap but it also delays the 10,000 hour milestone. When people replace self-control with self-confidence, they often miss some of the subtle nuances of the career path they are trying to master.

What Is Meant By Self-Control

So does this mean you need to make sacrifices of your personal time to become successful? Yes it does. When you develop a schedule and stick to it, you are eliminating distractions that will steal your mental focus all throughout the day. When you simplify the way you use your time, you will not be as scattered and you will generate a laser like focus that enables you to become more successful.

Where Most People Struggle With Self-Control

By and large the thing people struggle with regarding self-control is social conditioning. They feel obligated to do things that they receive invites to and quite frankly, they feel like they must live up to a certain image of how they spend their weekends and evenings. People that are able to reorganize their time and their friendships realize that it takes a lot of personal self-control to retrain your brain.
Yes, that means you will need to pass up on some social gatherings and holiday parties but as your brain creates new neural connections that are deeply ingrained habits, your success will happen quicker. Inevitably the self-control will develop a deeper sense of self confidence. When you really know your stuff, you speak calmly and with assuredness, not just with confident charm.

The people around us are the largest distraction that keep us from having self-control but it is our minds that allow those people to distract us. The closest relationships are the ones that affect our use of time the most and often times we rely on those people’s opinions of us to have, you guessed it, self-confidence. If we start to carve out time the way that will allow us to work more efficiently, those people might not understand why we have less time for them.

How To Create Self-Control

Self-control means operating independently of what most people do. It means you will evaluate if the decisions other people make is in your best interest for your one goal. When you decide to pass up on socializing with people who do not share your common interests and instead attend a class to learn about your craft, you are exercising self-control.
When you decide to read a book about your work instead of watch your favorite TV series, you are exercising self-control. When you decide to make healthy lifestyle decisions such as regular exercise, adequate sleep and healthy food and beverage choices, you are exercising self-control that will lead to success. 

SOURCE: motivationgrid.com


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