7 Simple Ways To Practice Self-Care

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If caring for yourself has become more of a chore than a habit, then you may need to do some serious soul-searching. Lately, you may be neglecting your mental and physical health at the cost of something else, like work or relationships.

If you're spending the majority of your days wondering when things are going to get better or when your stress will come to an end, the answer is within your mental health. Sit down and ask yourself if you are honestly taking care of yourself. Are you eating three meals a day? Are you getting six to eight hours of sleep? Or are you using coffee and energy drinks to fuel you?

Maybe the one thing that you're missing and the answer to all your problems is you. When is the last time you appreciated yourself? If you can't remember the last time you did something for yourself, the perfect time is now.

1. Personal hygiene!

Sometimes a really simple way to feel better is to take a long hot shower or a bubble bath. Taking a minute to truly feel "clean" may help rid you of any anxiety of things weighing on you. I know the best way for me to have a good day is waking up, taking a cold shower, and putting on a nice outfit to set me up for success.

2. Disconnect.

You love social media just as much as the next millennial, but enough is enough. After scrolling through Facebook and Instagram all day struggling to keep up with everyone's crazy lives, I begin to compare mine to theirs.

It's exhausting to feel as if you have to compete to have as great as a life as others are portraying, so it's important at the end of the day to get off your phone.

3. Get your nails done.

Nothing like a nice manicure /pedicure to do the mind and soul good. Something about having fresh new nails makes you feel like you can conquer the world. An hour at the nail salon with the massage chair on and feet soaking is a great way to take care of yourself and distress for a little while.

4. Journaling.

Taking some time to write out your thoughts is crucial. Never underestimate how important it is to let out your emotions. If you're someone who is horrible at communicating their feelings, like me, then writing your feelings down on paper helps you process them.

It can help you organize your thoughts and maybe help you realize why you're feeling the way you are.

5. A home cooked meal.

You're all for comfort food when you're having a tough time, but You're the type of person who tends to over-indulge and end up feeling way worse than before You ate an entire half gallon of chocolate ice cream. You've come to realize that when I'm in desperate need of some uplifting, the best way for me to practice TLC is through a nice meal.

Going home, opening up my kitchen and making something that makes me feel strong and healthy, helps me nourish my body. When You put good things in, You know You will get good things out.

6. Reading a good book.

Letting your mind escape into a false reality is a great way to give yourself some alone time to regroup. Even if it is just for 20 minutes, letting your mind turn off from thinking about your worries, and focus on whatever is going on in the book, allows you forget about your problems for a little while.

Curling up with a cup of tea and a fuzzy blanket sets you up for the perfect afternoon getaway inside your own room.

7. Moving!

Whether you take a Sunday morning yoga class or go for a 20-minute walk on your lunch break, just move. A little exercise does the body good! It is something that is so simple and free that it's almost too easy.

Call up a friend, ask to go for a walk or a bike ride, or if they want to take a pilates class. Getting up and allowing your blood flow awakens you. It reminds you that you only have one body to live life through, so take good care of it.

Taking care of yourself is so much more than eating salads and drinking detox tea. Taking care of yourself mentally is just as important, if not more, than taking care of your body physically. Take a "mental health day" or a self-care day, whatever you want to call it.

Do things that make you feel alive, refreshed, and ready to tackle your crazy but beautiful life.

source: www.theodysseyonline.com


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