How 5 Minutes Can Change Everything

How 5 Minutes Can Change Everything

1. Meditation

If you want to wake up earlier than normal, set aside five minutes during your lunch break or commute, or retreat to bed sooner rather than later. That way, you can seamlessly incorporate meditation into your daily schedule. Some might enjoy a guided meditation or the sound of Tibetan bowls; others might enjoy chanting or binaural beats. Whatever option makes you feel comfortable is the right one for you. Even if you like silence or white noise. There’s no secret formula here.
The only secret is that you must do it consistently. In a matter of weeks, you will notice that you feel more alert in the morning, even before any caffeine. During stressful situations, you will notice you are more levelheaded. In general, you will enjoy these peaceful moments so much that you will begin to look for them more frequently throughout the day or make your meditation sessions a little longer each time. Your entire being will be grateful. And gratefulness is a frequency that leads to greatness.

2. Mantras, Prayer & Affirmations

Positive self-talk is magic. Use mantras and prayers to increase positive energy around and inside of you. Remember, you are not alone and energies will work on your behalf if you let them. In conjunction, use affirmations to maintain those elevated frequencies. Say or write them, do what feels organic to you.
Whatever or whomever your god or goddess is, surrender to their glory. Participate in small acts of gratitude during those five minutes or anytime throughout the day. Being aware of the positive forces around us, acknowledging and thanking them is the perfect way to change how you view life, self and those around you.

3. Yoga

You do not have to go to a studio or gym to reap the benefits of yoga. Right in the comfort of your own home, you can do a quick five-minute set of yoga. If you’re familiar with yoga, hold a pose, like tree, any warrior stance, cobra, corpse or downward facing dog, or do deep stretching. If you’re not familiar with yoga, do a YouTube search for five-minute yoga. Challenge your body and your mind. When the five minutes are up, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment, which increases your positive attitude about yourself and what you can do in this life.

4. Breathing

OK, you breathe and don’t realize it, right? Yes, of course you do—breathing is not something we normally think about; it just happens. But we should think about it. We should be more present with our breath, we should listen to it, observe it, let it fill our entire bodies, realize the role it plays in our lives, and how it connects us to the world around us. Deep breathing decreases stress and increases our ability to face the world. Imagine the clean, cool air entering the body and all the negative, destructive attitudesand behaviors leaving. If you think that’s too new age-y, fine; just focus on the breath for five minutes and see if your mind, body and soul don’t slow down a bit and give you time to really think and evaluate.

5. Stillness

Turn off your phone, your computer, the music in the background, and while you’re at it, turn off the lights, too. Sit in darkness and be still. Do nothing. Or go outside and sit in nature alone, without a book or any electronics, just with yourself and the universe. We’re consumed with doing, and doing something all the time is the measurement by how we rate success. In nature, however, there are no events, not much happens… yet everything happens.


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