Tailored at the backstage by Emmanuel Olabayo


My fellow young buddy, permit me to tell you a few things about the backstage of a performance Space.
 This is an area out of view of the audience. It’s a critical space to have and one you will definitely find in any standard theater house. The concept of the backstage is not limited to theater buildings or theatrical performances alone. In fact, for those in the movie industry take Nollywood for example, the “behind the scene” is what is considered as their backstage. The behind the scene activities are not for everybody. It’s why you don’t see it in movies and when you do, it’s always at the end of the movie while the credit rolls. Have I told you my background was in theater? Pardon me; I should have opened with that but I couldn’t just wait to tell you about this underrated locale in the conventional space for performance. In my years of studying theater, I learnt among other things that no performer gets on stage without going from the backstage - be it the greenroom which is the lounge at the back of the stage, the wings in a theater, the aisles or any other area that the performer is obscene to the audience.
 The performer must always have to come from a place of the unseen out to the place where he is seen. The idea of the backstage is for performers to be in a space where no audience is present. Call it a secret place of bustle and tranquility. It’s a unique space where so much and nothing happens.

Create a picture in your mind; visualize a performer standing right at the backstage anxiously waiting to get on stage. You’ll agree with me that while the performer takes his cue ready to step out onto the stage, the hour of truth draws near. Trust me when I tell you that no performer jokes with this period - except one that wishes to fail. Remember the proverbial young man whom the elders said failed to prepare? They told us that his failure to prepare only prepared him for failure.A true performer doesn’t want to be that guy. A true performer wants to be sure he remembers his lines and movements, he runs a quick check to make sure his voice is in perfect condition and ready to go. A more success driven performer may even go a step further by taking a quick look into the mirror to make sure his expressions are all on point. The performer goes through these routine checks because he understands that once he steps out there, he’s got an opportunity to show what he can do. The performer knows at this time that success is only within sight. I’m sure you are asking why the backstage is this important considering that it is a secluded area away from the audience. I’ll tell you why in a bit. But here and now, I want to let you in a little into the psychology of an audience who has come to see a performance. The audience is not bothered about the performer but the performance. The audience is not bothered about the performer but the performance. The audience has got enough worries and has only come to see the show in order to get away from those worries even if it’s temporal. All the audience wants therefore is to be entertained, informed or at the least educated. How the performer goes about achieving these things is not the business of the audience. 

You see,( mate) I have taken time to create a picture of the backstage and the relationship the performer must have with it in meeting up with the expectation of the member of the audience because I want you to understand that though out of sight, the backstage is not insignificant. A true actor, musician or performer of any sort is never afraid of being at the backstage. The performer may be a little anxious and it’s ok to have a nervy moment. In fact, some performers have been known to give their best performances whenever they feel a little edgy before they go on stage. What is not ok however is for a performer to be afraid. Fear is a distraction. So I say this to you as much as I say it to myself, don’t be afraid of being at your backstage. The backstage is where a large number of us are right now but like every other performer our time will come to grace the stage and shine. To put it differently will be to say that the curtain will drop. The sad thing would be that when the walls that separate you from limelight are removed,you are not ready. What a casualty that will be. You know why? It’s because the audiences of a show doesn’t have the patience for an unprepared performer. I mean, they have not come from a far distance, make a financial commitment only to be insulted. Yes! It’s an insult on them, their time, value and money if the curtain drops and you are no way near being ready. The stage is for performance and performance only. Once you are on it, and the light shines on you, action time is simply upon you my friend. If you haven’t heard this before, let me say it here expressly that life is like a theater stage where we all take turn to shine after spending time at the backstage. The time performers spend at the backstage before arriving on stage is never the same. There are those that takes the stage right from the beginning of the show and there are those that gets on stage when the performance is halfway through while there are also those that do not get to go on stage until when the show is about to end. The most important thing however is that every performer gets a chance to be part of the performance. I’m sure you now see how this gist about the backstage concerns you right?. Hold on a second pal let me further drive my point home. You see, like many, life may have dealt you a great blow or be dealing you with one presently. Notwithstanding, I want you to know that your time will come. Life will as a matter of truth offer you a large empty stage for you to perform. While this may be true, life expects that you grab the moment and give it your best. Anything short of that is an invitation to insult, ridicule, and shame. You don’t want to be like that performer in Greece many centuries ago who had all the time to get himself prepared while he was at the backstage but was instead concerned with those who were on the stage performing. When his time finally came, he wasn’t ready. That old saying is not a cliché my friend. I’m talking about that popular one that says success truly happens when preparation meets opportunity. I should tell you a little of what happened to that Greek young performer, he was stoned by the rebellious audience with all sorts of farm produce mostly vegetables and was booed off stage. In today’s world and in our clime, you can imagine what would be flying in his direction – from sachet water to drink cans and snack packs. That’s not a beautiful scene to imagine.
 This is why you can’t afford to fluff your lines once your moment to shine comes because there are many others on cue waiting to take your place. In today’s language, I would like that you see the backstage as the place you pay your dues while the stage, depending on how well you perform and give value for every scent paid by a member of the audience is the place you get your accolades.
 Don’t be deceived my “G”, it is never the other way round. There are so many actors that are on the line, (”awon actors ti wa online”) ready to seize a missed opportunity and shine bright in front of the lights. If you miss your time, you may never get it back. See where you are in life now as your own backstage and keep improving on yourself while you wait for your opportunity to grace the stage. You’ve got to keep grinding my dear.

Keep trusting your struggle in anticipation for when the curtain will drop. When it does drop,because believe me it will, be sure you are not caught off guard. Because then, the audience will be ready, the hall will be quiet, the lights will be shining and the stage will be all yours.
 Will you own it?



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