10 Ways to Be a Better You


1. Character First

Consider the character traits that will allow you to be the best version of yourself, and work to improve a different facet of your character each day this month.

2Tally Up

Write down the top 10 motivators that drive you to succeed. It could be family, legacy or influence. Now identify what items on the list haven’t been receiving the time and attention they deserve.

3. Influential Roots

Who taught you the strongest life lessons? Who do you influence? This week, focus on those people and commit to positioning yourself as a positive role model.

4. Draw the Line

If you and your spouse both run successful individual operations, take time to establish professional boundaries, but still leave room for shared goals. Talk through any doubts you might have.

5. Conquer It

What do you fear? Focus on that fear, write it down, and then construct a plan to overcome it. Sometimes putting our greatest fears in perspective gives us the mental power to get rid of them.

6. Spread the Love

Spend this month finding ways to give back to others. It can be as simple as buying coffee for a stranger or donating clothes and blankets to your local homeless shelter.

7. Memory Lane

Dig through old family photos. Remind yourself how many reasons you have to smile. Stick your favorite one on the bathroom mirror as a daily source of happiness.

8. Nice to Meet You

Strangers can change your life. Venture out of your comfort zone today and make a goal to meet and interact with five strangers for at least five minutes. Ask questions, listen and embrace unexpected conversation.

9. Branch Out

Reach out to an extended family member—a distant cousin or aunt you haven’t seen in years. Write a letter or pick up the phone. Reconnect and revel in the power of the family bond.

10. Give Happiness

You have the power to turn a negative situation around. Respond positively to that co-worker who complains too much. Happiness is contagious. Pass it on.



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