3 Ways to Leave Your Job and Start Your Career

3 Ways to Leave Your Job and Start Your Career
1. Start with your “why.” 
Having a “why” becomes the foundation for maintaining your motivation. Regardless of the career goal you set, understanding why is what fosters the commitment necessary to get there and fuels your strength to not settle for anything less. It can be easy to forget why we are working so hard. Reconnecting to why you want to be successful in your career in the first place can help you stay focused.
2. Adopt an unwavering will-do mindset.
With why firmly in place, the next question is “how.” More specifically, what do you have to do each day to make your career dreams a reality? What actions are you willing to commit to? You need to be clear on specific actions that will move the needle. Determine the top three priorities that all have the combined purpose of getting you closer to achieving your goals. Then break them up into smaller action steps and move forward.
3. Schedule it.
Add commitment time into your daily schedule. It’s crucial that you make a solid commitment to setting aside this time and protecting it from the more urgent matters that will inevitably come up. Devote time—even if it’s just one hour a day—to developing your career. It could be keeping up to date on industry news, or researching and reaching out to industry professionals to make connections. View taking time to work on your career development as an actual gift to yourself. When else do you get to reflect on what you really want, why you really want it and how to strategize to make it happen?
Just by being committed and taking powerful action, career success just might be closer than you think.



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