3 Simple Ways to Boost Your Energy


1. Don't Hold Your Breath
When we are stressed, we tend to inhale quickly and hold our breath. Don't do that. Really, it's bad. Try "diaphragmatic breathing"; it's the same technique taught by yoga instructors worldwide. Simply sit straight up with good posture, put one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Inhale slowly through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. As you breathe, you'll feel your stomach expand, meaning your diaphragm is filling your lungs with air. Good job. Now rest and repeat.

2. Ditch the Second Cup
Coffee is notorious for being the fuel behind a quick pick-me-up, but drinking several cups a day can lead to burnout. As in crash and burn. Wean your way down to one cup a day. If you're hooked on the flavor, try a great-tasting tea blended with chicory, carob or roasted barley.

3. Recharge Your Batteries
This means eat more alkaline-forming foods. Good eats like figs, leafy greens, almonds and cantaloupe are staples of alkaline-based diets and have been proven to prevent aliments like kidney stones and osteoporosis. Plus, they're often recommended to treat a lack of energy. Oh, and they taste good-which is always a plus.



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