Yes, when was the last time you checked, on your distant cousin, old school mates, ex-bestie and others that you have not lost their contacts but have lost touch with? It is often saddening how the unending activities of life shifts our already divided attention and care away from those we love and share things in common with. We tend to remember them when Facebook notifies us of their birthdays, when we need their assistance, or when we hear of their death. Then, we begin to recall all the great memories we had with them in sweet emotion-arousing words, and praaaaa!, we split again, until the next cycle. With the rapid increase in suicide, depression and low self esteem rate, the COVID-19, business ownership and work stress and even the most recent nationwide protests, a phone call to catch up will just be fine. I charge you to check on someone today. Short sentences like ‘I just want to check up on you’, ‘Hope you are fine?, goes far long way than you can imagine. That just add more sense to life. cc: @layo_sobo @layo_sobo


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