Words Live Longer Than You Ever Will!

Do you remember what you said to your high school friends 7years ago? Do you think they still do too? Well, don’t be surprised, they do! One of my best friends in high school chatted me up sometime ago after seeing a picture I uploaded on my WhatsApp status, and asked if it was someone (she mentioned name). I was surprised she knew the person, but, well, humans are likened to water and they can meet at any point. The shocker came with her reply of how I had told her something about the person during our high school years (that's 8 years ago!) Do you still need a reminder that your words are ageless and can live till eternity? Well, remember the quotes of icons, men and women who have died over 10 years ago, and read this post again, maybe you will you will agree with my assertion. Words, they say, are like eggs, which once broken cannot be amended to its original state. He who bridles his tongue, is a just man, says the Bible. Take cognizance of what you say, especially when it is becoming a spew (you know those times anger sets in), most importantly to EVERYONE and particularly loved ones or the younger one coming behind you. The younger ones will always always remember how you treat them and what you say to them. Who knows where one's blessings or those of one's children will come from years to come? Words live longer than you can imagine, than you can ever live. So when speaking your words, ensure they are for the right cause so when they live after you, they bless you and not bring you curses and woes. Have a wonderful Monday! By Layo Sobo


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