7 ways to be kind to yourself today.

These are seven(7) ways to be kind to yourself today. They are;

1. Schedule: Open the calendar on your phone and push aside all activities on a day of your choice. Take whatever day you have chosen and do the things that you want to do and not have to do.  Life is too short to fill the calendar with meetings, sales calls, and events. Try filling it with things you enjoy too.

2. Treat yourself: Keep it within your means but treat yourself to something that brings you tremendous joy. You work hard for your money and as much as all the experts advise against it, go and spend some of it. Buy whatever makes you feel good. If it’s a comic book, go and buy one. If it’s a pedicure, take those shoes off and sit down. It doesn’t matter what it is, just go and buy it.

3. Believe in yourself: When things are as challenging as they are, sometimes the best course of action is to simply believe in yourself. Remember what you have done to get where you are and know that the same belief will get you to where you want to go. Once you start to believe again, step outside and scream it as loud as you can so the world can hear your conviction.

4. Positive affirmations: Give yourself that much needed pep talk. You know the one that starts with “I am great and I can do whatever I want” and ends with “And I know in my heart all of this to be true.” Not only will it change your trajectory but it will also drastically improve a bad mood.

5. Count 10 ways that your life is amazing: I can’t promise that all of these will work for you. What I can promise, however, is that some of them will. So, take some time to do each of them and figure out which ones will work for you. After you have that information, every time you find a new way to be kind to yourself, add it to your list. Eventually you’ll have a list a mile long.

6. Book that vacation you’ve been putting off:  Nothing says “treat yourself” quite like finally booking that much needed vacation. It really doesn’t matter where you’re going just as long as you decide to go somewhere and actually book it. Knowing that a vacation is just around the corner will keep you thinking about all the other ways that you can treat yourself once you get there.

7. Go for a walk:If it seems simple, it’s because it is. Go for a walk. Get out into nature and see the world. While you’re out there, smell the smells, listen to the sounds, and feel the wind as it passes by. Some of the most enjoyable things in life are often free and readily available. This is one of them. Oh, and if you’re really looking to treat yourself, do this in the rain. You’ll be stunned by how much it will change you.



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