Ways to Stop Making Excuses

We all make excuses once in a while. Sometimes we make excuses and other times we stop rationalizing and take action. I’m sure most of us can remember times when we procrastinate and waste days before starting a project. I’m also sure most of us can remember times we started immediately and finished ahead of schedule.

The differences between these two cases could be described as a difference of willpower. When you procrastinate, you lack willpower but that isn’t helpful. If willpower is outside your direct control then claiming willpower as a solution isn’t going to work. 

To stop making excuses, these are the ways to follow. They are;

Organizing Your Priorities: Excuse making is the result of conflicting priorities.When you don’t have a system for making decisions, the tendency is to just go with whatever feels best in the moment.You can clear this up by defining what your priorities are. The purpose is to aid when one event conflicts with another. If you have to decide between working on a school project or going on a date, you need to look at your priorities.

Priorities clears up the need for excuse making since it simplifies decisions with conflicting values.

Breaking Down Discomfort:Mixed-up priorities are only a part of excuse-making. Unwillingness to step into uncomfortable situations is another. Success in almost any effort requires taking risks and facing failure. Becoming a great public speaker requires you get up in front of a big audience and possibly deliver a terrible speech.The problem is when your priorities dictate you need to take a big step and you can’t do it. This could mean wanting to improve your business but not being willing to make cold calls or marketing your product.

What results is excuse-making. You find easier tasks to do and excuse your procrastination. Rationalize away the feeling that you don’t feel comfortable going forward.

The fix here is to break down uncomfortable steps. Laziness is just another manifestation of fear. So if you can’t take the next step just break it into smaller part you can handle. If you can’t get up on stage to speak, try delivering your speech in front of a few friends if you can’t make a cold call just try and call someone you already know.

The next time you catch yourself making an excuse just ask yourself does this fit within my priorities? If it doesn’t and you still find yourself making excuses ask yourself if there is any way you could push yourself through the next step.



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