11 Ways to Attract Abundance in Your Life
1. Begin with gratitude. Always start with thanksgiving; be thankful for what you already have and see the miracles that come from this one simple act. Next, you’ve got to challenge yourself to produce. Produce more ideas than you need for yourself so you can share and give your ideas away. That is called fruitfulness and abundance—it means working on producing more than you need for yourself so you can begin blessing others, blessing your nation and blessing your enterprise. Once abundance starts to come, once someone becomes incredibly productive, it’s amazing what the numbers turn out to be. 2. Dream it. Everything begins in the heart and mind. Every great achievement began in the mind of one person. They dared to dream, to believe that it was possible. Take some time to allow yourself to ask, What if? Think big. Don’t let negative thinking discourage you. You want to be a “dreamer.” Dream of the possibilitie...