126 Ways to Be Extraordinary


1. Open the door for a stranger.

2. Say, “Thank you.”

3. Learn from your mistakes.

4. Stop whining.

5. Fear less.

6. Be kind.

7. Let yourself be inspired.

8. Lead someone.

9. Pay off debt.

10. Choose a side.

11. Pay more for quality.

12. Lend a hand.

13. Let past mistakes go.

14. Be invincible.

15. Be more efficient with your time.

16. Stop playing politics.

17. Plan to be successful.

18. Be an expert.

19. Stop defending yourself.

20. Decide to take action today.

21. Fight mediocrity.

22. Laugh at life.

23. Go to bed tired.

24. Ask what you can do better.

25. Give a stranger flowers.

26. Hold the elevator door.

27. Compliment a great idea.

28. Work on being patient.

29. Create what’s missing.

30. Stay in mental shape.

31. Practice getting back up.

32. Shake hands while looking the other person in the eye.

33. Assume the best in others.

34. Try something new.

35. Listen to your critic.

36. Get into financial shape.

37. Donate time to charity.

38. Teach what you’ve learned.

39. Give an opinion when it’s hard.

40. Care about others.

41. Pay attention to the details.

42. Be a friend.

43. Do physical labor.

44. Brag on someone else.

45. Share more.

46. Love someone.

47. Have a dream.

48. Get up an hour earlier.

49.  Write down your thoughts.

50. Apologize more.

51. Stay mentally strong.

52. Put yourself in tough places.

53. Cry when you are hurt.

54. Have a purpose each day.

55. Don’t stop until you finish.

56. Be passionate about others.

57. Pay attention to the conversation.

58. Appreciate differences.

59. Be less selfish.

60. Ease someone else’s pain.

61. Imagine the possibilities.

62. Smile at those around you.

63. Care enough to cry.

64. Make a call because “you’re thinking about them.”

65. Be a mentor.

66. Fail gracefully.

67. Practice being vulnerable.

68. Decide to be optimistic.

69. Ask more questions.

70. Read a new biography.

71. Do something outrageous.

72. Think for yourself.

73. Put in more effort.

74. Ask for help.

75. Tell the truth.

76. Get some exercise.

77. Decide not to get angry.

78. Explore new ideas.

79. Be more effective with your talents.

80. Slow down (for a few minutes).

81. Pursue your goals each day.

82. Make a list of tasks to get done.

83. Live with honor.

84. Feed your inspiration.

85. Avoid the crowd.

86. Stop being passive aggressive.

87. Find answers to your questions.

88. Be accountable.

89. Work on your biggest weakness.

90. Replace “No” with “No thanks.”

91. Let someone else get the attention.

92. Listen with your eyes.

93. Say what’s on your mind.

94. Defend your friends.

95. Shake off the straws before they break your back.

96. Offer encouragement.

97. Meditate on your goals.

98. Don’t do anything halfway.

99. Do good things for the right reasons.

100. Get help for your head.

101. Demand brutal analysis of your actions.

102. Put in the effort you expect of others.

103. Share a good example.

104. Offer to buy dinner or dessert.

105. Decide to learn from everyone.

106. Make a big deal of small wins.

107. Let life happen around you.

108. Have a big vision for those around you.

109. Enjoy others’ success.

110. Inspire others quietly.

111. Deliberately invest in healing.

112. Welcome diverse perspectives.

113. Don’t go to bed angry.

114. Anticipate the success of others.

115. Value your own time.

116. Ask others to “pay it forward.”

117. Write a kind note.

118. Offer to help for free.

119. Have a plan.

120. Overlook immaturity.

121. Care less about being right.

122. Schedule time to invest in others.

123. Give away your best idea.

124. Stop being offended so easily.

125. Remember the good times.

126. Decide that caring is more important than winning.



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