How to Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

Choosing courage, in all its forms, challenges our preconceived notions and expands our comfort circle.

To set aside the analogy of the person afraid of heights, taking a risk isn’t always about facing your greatest fear. Maybe your version is trying a new restaurant or striking up a conversation with a stranger. Start small. The payoff isn’t as big, but neither is the risk.

Best-selling author BrenĂ© Brown begins each day with the mantra, “Today, I’m going to choose courage over comfort.” Choosing courage, in all its forms, challenges our preconceived notions and expands our comfort circle. As your comfort circle increases, so does your willingness to tackle bigger risks.

Finding the sweet spot of comfort and discomfort requires preparation, honesty and of course some risk. Start by asking yourself the following questions, then check out the advice from three entrepreneurs who share their experiences with staying uncomfortable.

Have you done the work to ensure you’re prepared for this type of risk?
Is it worth it? Taking a risk for the simple pleasure of overcoming a fear or insecurity is great, but is your time better spent on something more personally or professionally gratifying?
Is this the best time to leave your comfort zone? If you’re in a tough financial spot, for example, now may not be the best time to launch a new business.
Are there less-risky options that would provide you some building blocks on which to expand your comfort circle?
How will you respond to failure? Venturing too far from your comfort circle can drain your motivation to try again.
Is there a trusted friend or colleague who can support you through this risk?


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