The 3 Types of People You Need in Your Life


Stay in the triangle.

The imbalance of your personal and professional life, Jakes says, can kill you. He teaches leaders to surround themselves with three different types of people who keep you balanced.

1. People who need you.

These people give you purpose. Jakes says to think about how we value a product: “What good is a product if nobody needs it? Need determines value. Supply and demand.” It’s important to have people who drive you to work hard, achieve and be consistent. These are people you help, people you train or teach and people you lead.

2. People who feed you.

Just as there is a demand, there must also be a supply. “If you have a certain amount of people in your life who need you, you must have a certain amount of people in your life who feed you,” he says. “Because if you only have people who need you and nobody who feeds you, pretty soon you’re going to go bankrupt and self-implode because none of us are infinite. The flow of what feeds you has to be commensurate to the flow of what needs you. You’ve got to have both.” These people are mentors, loved ones, faith leaders, and others whom you can lean on and learn from.

3. People who want to keep you.

Jakes says there’s a third category that most people overlook, being just as important to your well-being as the people who need or feed you: the people you enjoy and who enjoy you. “They’re just crazy and fun to be with, you know? I’ve got some friends who I’m not going to learn a dadgum thing from—they’re just crazier than all get out. We’re going to talk about some things I hope nobody is recording and we’re just going to act a fool. It’s like going to Hawaii to go to lunch with somebody like that. You might not get to Hawaii, but if you could get to your crazy friend, you’re on the beach and your mind gets a rest. It is neither being drained nor fed. It’s a type of rest for you.”


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