Life is a journey and becoming better everyday is the goal. The more you grow, the better you become, remember this isn't about making yourself liked by others, it is about becoming someone you truly love and adore which will in turn attract the right people and opportunities into your life. Max Depree once said and I quote "We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what we are". I remember while growing up, I didn't really love myself, I used to feel intimidated, I was always scared of people, I wasn't really proud of myself, my physique and everything that made me up, so I used to keep to myself a lot, I lacked self-esteem, I don't keep friends, I shunned a whole lot of people out of my life not because I was a snub but because I felt they were all better off than I am and they were only trying to get close to me to mock me but the funny thing is people never saw it that way, they felt I was a snub, some felt I was rude, selfish, obnoxious, some p...