15 Signs You Have A Toxic Boss

 Image result for IMAGE OF A TOXIC BOSS
1. They’re always right.
They think they have all the answers. They promote people who validate they’re right and demote people who challenge them.
2. They play favorites.
This is discouraging because it’s usually not based on performance. Their favorite has clear advantages such as access to resources or benefits that are not made available to others.
3. They take credit for your work.
If by chance you have the opportunity to work on an important project and get good results, they will present the findings and take responsibility for the work. Sometimes, you aren’t even allowed in the room.
4. They’re only interested in their own career advancement.
They spend a lot of time managing up and sucking up, but they have no time or interest in mentoring you.
5. They never give constructive feedback.
You’ll rarely get recognition for your work or helpful advice on how to improve.
6. They cut you off in meetings.
They aren’t interested in hearing other people’s opinions and will deliberately shut you down if you speak up.
7. They make inappropriate comments or gestures.
Disparaging comments and body language such as eye rolls when you speak can be devastating. They may also demonstrate subtle (or not so subtle) gender bias.
8. They create conflict within the team.
They pit one team member against another to create unhealthy competition.
9. They talk about people behind their back.
Gossip can be very toxic to a work environment. Be aware if they’re sharing gossip about others, they are most likely spreading rumors about you too.
10. They put people down in public.
It’s demoralizing and humiliating to have your boss say something demeaning about you in front of your colleagues or direct reports.
11. They micro manage you.
They assign you a project, but then remain constantly involved in every step. They don’t allow you to think on your own or take any action independently.
12. They neglect you.
This is the opposite of micro managing. They don’t have a clue what you’re working on or the effort involved from you or your team.
13. They blame others for their mistakes.
They never take responsibility for their failures and are quick to assign the blame to others.
14. They know your emotional triggers and use them to taunt you.
This is truly sadistic behavior, but toxic bosses will use any means to have control over others.
15. They lack integrity.
They aren’t guided by any one set of principles except their own self-interest. They break the rules for their own personal gain.
As you can see from this list, working with anyone having some or all of these traits is not only damaging to your physical and emotional health, it is devastating to the overall business. One incompetent or narcissistic bad apple can take down a business if allowed to persist.

SOURCE: fairygodboss.com


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