How to Improve Decision Making? Effective Ways

It is a process of making the right choices by analyzing a situation, combining information and assessing similar kind of other resolutions.
This decision making process helps you to make best decisions by evaluation all the information and alternate solutions. This will make sure that the decision taken will be best and satisfying one.

1. Identify the decision:

If there is a need to make a decision, then it is very important to clearly define the nature of the decision initially.

2. Gather relevant information:

Gather all the information related for making proper decision. Now this must be done in two parts
Internal – get details through self assessment
External– getting details through books, online etc.

3. Identify the alternatives:

In the process of collecting information, you will surely come across many paths or alternatives. You can even use your imagination to create new alternatives.

4. Weigh the evidence:

Once you get all the possible list of alternatives, you need to analyze each and every option and evaluate the end result of it. Check whether they are suitable for the first step. Enlist all the alternative on a priority basis.

5. Choose among alternatives:

After all the evaluation, you need to select the best alternative that is suitale to you. You can also make use of combining 2 or more alternatives.

6. Take action:

Now is the time, to perform the action by starting to implement or make use of the alternative chosen in the above step.

7. Review your decision & its effects:

Review the result or outcome of your decision and check whether the need which you have identified in the step 1 has been solved or not.



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