Why a Positive Attitude Is the First Step to a Successful Career

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As Entrepreneur Network partner Brian Tracy points out, many people are unhappy with their careers. The reality is almost everyone wants a career that will be simultaneously fulfilling and also pay a comfortable wage. 
To begin, choose your profession carefully. You want to be honest with yourself about what you want from a career -- especially if you're looking to travel more or simply want to settle into a comfortable routine. 
From there, the decisions you make should be imbued with ownership. Whether they are triumphs or failures, you want to take responsibilty for the choices you make throughout your career. When you come up against obstacles, do not get stuck. Despite your kee-jerk thinking you will never get yourself out, there is always a way to change. Concentrate on believing in yourself and making progress. 
Finally, make an effort to have a positive attitude. With a sunnier outlook, you will simply be more intentional and more open to spotting success.
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