The relationships that we have in our lives help to form who we are as a person; who we surround ourselves with speaks mountains about us, and to us. Our friends represent who we wish to become, who we identify with, and who we care about. It's very common, though, for us to get involved in friendships that are not beneficial or perhaps even healthy for us. Some people will call themselves your friend, but they can be detrimental to you. When you find the right friends, however, the tried and true friends, it just feels right. They are there for you to lean on and vice versa. True, supportive friends become family. These friendships just feel right and take very little effort to uphold.

What Are Characteristics Of A Supportive Friend?

Usually, the most supportive friends are those that start in the casual friend category, and over time grows and deepens. A supportive friend is someone who understands who you are and what you need. You will quickly learn that they will be with you through thick and thin. You both will go through some tough times and some very good times. However, a simple thing such as a fight isn't going to hold you two back from a healthy friendship. Instead, you two will learn and grow from your fight and come out stronger from it. Even in your worst of days, a supportive friend will be there for you.

They may not always agree with your decisions or opinions, but they care deeply for you. They will stand up for you to anyone that may try to cross or hurt you. They are loyal and trustworthy. You will not need to question where you stand in your friendship with them, as they will remind you frequently with their actions just how important you are to them. A supportive friend is the most important kind of friend to go through life with. Whether you live together or are thousands of miles apart, a truly supportive friendship will feel secure and overall just good, with both of you knowing that you are appreciated, validated, and loved by the other whether you talk often or not.

Why Is A Supportive Friend So Important?

Many times in life, we feel as though we can get through a stressful situation if only we had someone to go through that with. A supportive friend is always there for you and is willing to walk through that burning building along with you. This isn't to say that they are going to follow you wherever you go blindly. They can, and will, help you by identifying the pros and cons of a decision you're about to make, or letting you know if they don’t agree with what you’re doing. But, they will also do their best to stand by you after you make whichever decision it is that you make. They are not judgmental, and they do not have an ulterior motive in showing that they care for you. They’re just genuine.

By: Oluwapelumi Atanseiye (@pearlumie_)

cc: better help


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