There is a saying that "opportunity comes but once" The first step to making the most of life’s opportunities is to know exactly what it is you want. In other words, what goals do you want to achieve? Having goals provides you clarity and helps you focus on your most important activities and priorities. In this article I will be stating 12 ways to make the most of every opportunities that comes your way this new year.

12 ways to make the most of opportunities:

  1. Go small. Don’t worry about changing your entire organization; change your team. Don’t tell me how you’re going to change the world tomorrow. Change your neighborhood today.
  2. Step into resistance. The point of resistance is the point of greatest opportunity. You fear most, that which matters most.
  3. Join forces with someone who is already making a difference.
  4. Worry more about giving than receiving.
  5. Expect a lot. Bring a lot. Low standards never produce high results.
  6. Embrace the power of imperfect solutions. Don’t worry about solving everything, just solve something.
  7. Move first to meet needs, rather than pointing fingers and explaining what others should do.
  8. Enrich people by helping them find and live their passion.
  9. Ask, “How can I help.”
  10. Complain less. Every time you complain, be grateful for three things.
  11. Develop someone else’s skills by giving them an opportunity to serve.
  12. Try things. Clarity comes to those who take action; confusion to the inactive

By: Oluwapelumi Atanseiye (@pearlumie_)
cc: leadership freak


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