5 Ways That You Can Impact The World & Create Your Own Legacy

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A legacy. It’s something that very few men and women in the 20’s, 30’s, and even 40’s really think about. We think about building a successful life. We think about creating a good life for us and our loved one’s. But a legacy?
Building a legacy is the furthest thing on our mind. But I’d argue that it should be at the forefront of everything we do. Don’t just focus on building a good life today, create a life that will leave it’s fingerprint on this planet for years to come.

Here are 4 ways to leave your mark, starting today

1. Help.

A legacy isn’t something that is singular. A legacy is created through having a massive impact on a select few, or a large population. How do you have a massive impact on people? You help them.
Giving of our time, energy, and expertise – of which we all have – has a lasting impact on those we help. I still vividly remember the words of an old, successful man who agreed to have breakfast with me. We chatted. He talked about lessons that life has taught him, asked me about what I was learning, told me about mistakes he made, then told me to never, ever regret anything. Learn from, but never regret from.
He probably had better things to do with his time, but he helped me instead. His legacy is going to be that much greater because he has that attitude. It’s not the millions he’s made over the years, but the people he has helped that will leave the greatest fingerprint.

2. Set audacious goals.

“The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.”
Don’t set goals that are easy, that you know you can accomplish. A great way to achieve mediocrity is to plan for mediocrity. Something that far too many of us do on a daily basis.

Think about the ultimate of what you’d like to accomplish. Set that as your goal, then break it down into smaller processes. The processes aren’t smaller goals, they are action steps; thing you will do on a daily and weekly basis that will help you achieve this massive, audacious goal.
Be bold in the goals you set and the expectations you have for yourself.

3. Be prepared to lose it all, to gain it all.

The greater the risk, the more likely your are to fall flat on your ass.
Greatness requires risk. Mediocrity requires the desire for safety. The more you let fears dictate your decision making and what you aspire to achieve, the less you are going to accomplish.
To leave an indelible mark on the world, risk is a must. Not everyone has the balls to reach for the stars, or the desire to. To many, the stars exist in the small things, the simple pleasure’s in life. To some degree I envy them. I envy their ability to feel fulfilled with what they have. To not have that need to push their limits.
I’m going to live my life always wanted to push myself further. It’s just my make-up. It can result in greatness, but it can also result in failure. I’m prepared to risk the failure for the chance at greatness.
Ask the question: are you?

4. The most underrated commodity: Energy.

Time is money. Actually, time is much more important than money. What you do with your time will help you become a happier, healthier, wealthier, more successful, and more productive person. Money is nothing without the things we can trade for it. But time, time is everything, and how we use it will determine our legacy.
How do you make the most out of your time? With focus and energy.

The more energy we have, the more we’re able to focus, the harder we can work, the more we can laugh, the clearer we can think, the more we get done in less time, and the more free time we’ll have to do those things that we enjoy most.
Can we alter our energy levels?
Yes, and it has nothing to do with caffeine or any kind of drug, and everything to do with the kind of shape we’re in. When I’m in my best shape I have more energy, more focused, and I’m happier.
When we think about getting in great shape we think about the extra years we’re adding to our lives, and that’s great, but the quality to those years, days, and hours that we’re adding is the greatest benefit.

Source: https://addicted2success.com


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