4 tips for a well balanced life

 4 tips for a well balanced life
“Whether we want to admit it or not, both our office life and personal life is important. We work eight to ten hours a day in search of a better personal life, so it’s important to give that it’s due and actively work towards striking the right balance. And remember to always cherish the moments spent with family and friends.”
Expect the unexpected
“Our personal and office livescome with their own set of complexities and both are very dynamic in nature. The moment you feel you’ve managed to achieve the balance between your two lives, there will be a surprise event that will disturb it and change the rules of the game. And so we start to once again get stressed out and strive hard for that balance. This is the constant game of life and it is important to recognise that. It’s very rare that there will come a time when you feel you have truly achieve a constant balance. So acknowledge the fact that it will require constant effort and learn to roll with the punches.”
Quality over quantity
“Our family often bares the brunt of our mad rush to achieve success at work. And the guilt we feel over this becomes a part of our lives. But the most important factor is not how much time you give your family and friends, it’s the fact that you give quality time. Even if you can only spare two hours for your family, make it worth six hours, make it relevant! Be focused, engaged and intentional. Let them know that they have your complete undivided attention. They will value this a lot more than if you were with them longer but were busy on the phone or not paying attention because you were thinking about work."
Brainstorm fun things to do
“Find things that you like to do as a family and make time for those. Brainstorm creative indoor or outdoor games that you can play with your kids. Make it a rule that everyone must switch off their gadgets when it’s family time. Introduce new hobbies that the family hasn’t done before like bird watching, painting, gardening, going on nature hikes, crafts, etc. Be ready to grab opportunities when they present themselves, make impromptu travel plans even if it’s for just half a day or one day. These will be cherished as much as long holidays. And plan surprises for family and friends, whether it’s for their birthday, anniversary or any other milestone.”
Take care of yourself
“While trying to make time for your family and friends, remember to include yourself somewhere on the list as well. It’s equally important to try and maintain a healthy lifestyle and find interests, hobbies and passions that take care of your needs. This will help you unwind, create a positive frame of mind and stop you from getting burnt out at work. All of which are important if you want to lead a better life with your family.”



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