How to Get Your Dream Job in 30 Days

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Sometimes a job search can feel overwhelming, especially if you need a job right away. It often feels like there is so much you need to do to become employable in so little time.
One way to manage this stress and enhance your job search is to break the process down into small, manageable steps. Breaking down the job search into steps can help you feel like you have accomplished a little piece of your search every day.

By doing a bit of work on your job search every day, you will make slow and steady progress towards your goal of finding a job.
Our series “30 Days to Finding Your Dream Job” offers 30 simple, practical steps for job seekers to follow in order to prepare themselves for the job market and land a job. If you read and apply one tip per day, you could wind up with your dream job in a month’s time—or even sooner!
The thirty tips are organized in such a way as to move you from the very first stages of the job search (writing a resume, reaching out to contacts in your industry) to the final stages (preparing for an interview, sending a thank you note, accepting or rejecting a job).
Each tip suggests one thing you can do that day to help your job search. By doing one thing every day, you will feel accomplished, and get closer to finding the right job for you.
Read below for more information on how the series is organized, and how to use the series to find your dream job.

How the Tips Are Organized

“30 Days to Finding Your Dream Job” contains 30 steps to help you find the job of your dreams. The tips are organized in a specific order, beginning with advice on how to start a job search, and ending with tips on how to decide whether to accept or reject a job offer.
There are a number of stages to any job search journey

The tips in this series are organized into six sections to cover six unique stages in the job search process.
Get Started: This is an important stage in which you prepare yourself—and your resume – for the job search ahead. The tips offer advice for getting your job search started, including refreshing your resume and developing necessary skills.
Prepare for Networking: Networking is a critical part of the job search—by reaching out to contacts, you can get advice on your search, and even hear about job openings that might be a good fit for you. These tips offer a variety of strategies for good networking, including using LinkedIn, creating business cards, and getting active on Twitter.
Start Your Hunt: This is where your job search begins in earnest. After consulting with a career counselor, you narrow your job search by creating an employer target list and finding contacts at those companies.
Use Your Network: Get advice on how to use your network, from contacting friends and family to set up informational interviews.
Find Job Listings: Gain advice on how to find jobs, both online and through other means (such as job fairs). It also provides advice on how to keep your job search organized.
Interview and Follow up: Learn all you need about preparing for the interview, and following up after the interview.

How to Use the Series

The tips are organized to be most helpful when followed in order. But you can skip ahead if certain tips do not apply to you, and jump ahead to the specific tip that you would like help with. There is no wrong way to use the series!


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