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The major benefits of motivation in an organizations are as follows:

1. Need satisfaction
Motivation satisfies the needs of individuals as well groups. Every individual or group of individuals joins an organization to fulfill certain personal needs. The motivation function of the manager serves to help such fulfillment.
2. Job satisfaction
Motivation also promotes job satisfaction. When an employee’s needs are satisfied, he is on the whole happy. His job satisfaction is of more direct concern. It is the key to other important consequences.
Managers in general are satisfied with jobs which are challenging in character and involve some creative thinking.

3. Productivity
An individual’s contribution to output is the resultant of two variables-his capacity for work and his willingness to work. If P is performance, an ability and M motivation, then P = A X M. It is clear that performance is not equal to the sum of an individual’s ability and motivation but rather to the product of these two variables.
Given the value of ability greater than Zero, level of performance is a constantly increasing function of amount of motivation. Since productivity is the effect of performance, it is logical to conclude that proper motivation increases productivity.
4. Learning
Motivation helps the learning process. Without motivation learning does not take place. There must be motivation or drive before there can be learning. Motivation stimulates interest and the attitude of willing to learn.
If a person does not want to learn, he will not learn, even though he understands clearly what is being taught and has perfect capacity to respond in the way that would show the learning.
This means that the trainer needs to select trainees on the basis of motivation and needs to have policies and practices that will encourage the growth of motivation.
5. Discipline
Motivation promotes self-discipline. The idea of discipline generally carries a negative connotation. Subordinates obey a superior and maintain orderly behaviour for fear of punishment. But motivation raises discipline to a positive level.

The self-discipline of an individual costs less and accomplishes much more than the discipline imposed by the boss from above. Committed workers discipline themselves. They feel that by doing so they further their own interest.
6. Dynamism
There is an element of dynamism in motivation. When the rank and file workers and managers are properly motivated, a kinetic energy is generated which produces a tremendous impact not merely on the productivity and profits of an organization but also on its industrial relations, public image, stability and future development.
The content theories of motivation attempt to determine what it is that motivates people at work. The content theorists identify the needs or drives that people have and how these needs or drives energies behavior. They are concerned with the goals that people strive to attain in order to be satisfied and perform well.
At first it was felt to be money only (scientific management) and later it was felt to be security and a democratic style of supervision (human relations).
More recently the content of motivation is the higher level needs such as esteem and self actualization (Maslow), responsibility, recognition, achievement and advancement (Herzberg) and growth and personal development (Alderfer).
On the other hand, the process theories are more concerned with identifying the variables that go into motivation and how they relate to one another. Process theories try to explain how behavior is energized, how it is directed, how it is sustained and how it is stopped.



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