5 essential qualities of a great leader

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1. Be a good listener“A leader should have the patience to listen to his seniors as well as colleagues, subordinates, and peers. A good listener naturally instils confidence in others by assuring them that they are going to be heard. It’s not about listening just so that you can reply, but listening to understand. If a leader does not listen to others, he will never be able to get an idea of what is really going on with his team. He has to be empathetic, even if he sometimes disagrees with what is being said. If the opinion is wrong, the person will still be grateful and appreciative of the fact that his leader took the time and made the effort to hear him out, and gave him recognition and acknowledgement. If the person is correct it will benefit not only the organisation, but bolster the employee’s and the team’s faith in themselves, as well as in their leader. Many times you will hear of an exceptionally good solution from a person you’d otherwise never even have considered. This is why it always helps to listen and pay attention to everyone’s inputs and feedback.”
2. Be passionate about your work“If a leader has a burning passion for what he does, then it automatically reflects in his actions. And if the team sees how passionate their leader is, then they in turn get further motivated. From the way you walk and talk to the way you take action, a leader leads by example. It’s up to you to set a standard that subordinates as well as peers are proud to follow. This is how you inspire others to give their best and instil a sense of pride in the work they do. A good leader helps his team fall in love with the work they do.”
3. Lead from the front“Normally, leaders simply try to give directions, instructions, and commands. However, it’s when a leader actually gets involved in the work alongside his team that he truly makes a difference. The team sees that he’s willing to get his hands dirty to get the job done. It generates a feeling of camaraderie, and makes the leader more approachable and relatable. It’s a matter of being more involved, having a hands-on approach, and leading from the front. Also, if there is a problem, a good leader always takes ownership of the shortcomings or failures. And if it is a success, then a good leader shares the credit with the team. Otherwise leaders tend to come off as aloof, unfriendly, and self-involved.”
4. Be dependable“A leader needs to possess integrity of character, both professionally and personally. You must be fair, unbiased, and just while taking any decisions. There are a plethora of decisions a leader needs to take on a day to day basis. If he does not take them with fairness and absolute transparency, and lets his actions get affected by biases and rumours, it affects not only his team but also the entire organisation. Ultimately it erodes the team culture and disrupts their unity, as well as destroying any faith they had in their leader. You should be a leader your team wants to follow, rather than one they’re forced to follow.”
5. Willingness to make tough decisions“You should have the confidence and know how to make tough decisions. Sometimes there might be a matter of extreme urgency, requiring split second decisions holding tremendous impact. In such situations, you must be able to maintain your calm, not buckle under pressure, and take a call instantly, based on your knowledge, years of experience and intuition. In such situations you cannot make excuses or procrastinate. A leader must have faith in himself and be able to accept that out of 100 decisions he takes, two might go wrong. But make sure that the remaining 98 are exactly right.” 



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