10 Things You Can Do to Feel Empowered

10 Things You Can Do to Feel Empowered

1. Open the floor.

At your next big meeting, make sure to create time for everyone to speak, regardless of their roles or tenures. Bias can be subconscious and not intentional, but should be taken seriously.

2. Make it purposeful.

This weekend, take some time to consider the closest relationships in your life, both at home and at work. Jot down three ways to help each person along their own journey.

3. Think long-term.

Trust the process. If you aren’t getting the results you want just yet, don’t be discouraged. Take some time instead to analyze your methods and adjust if necessary. Patience is a virtue.

4. Make reservations.

Ensure that you are setting occasions to spend quality time with your family that promotes everyone’s health—that could mean a nutritious dinner or a weekly appointment for outdoor exercise.

5. Have faith.

A difficult step for leaders is learning to let go and trust your team to carry the load farther than you can on your own. Make some time to purposefully reflect on your people’s strengths.

6. 10-10-1.

Give Rachel Hollis’s 10-10-1 Plan a try. Start by envisioning the ideal version of yourself a decade from now, and work through her process to start living in a way that fulfills your dream.

7. Eliminate excuses.

Spend some time journaling tonight about why you’re waiting to start a big project or initiative. When you’re done, think honestly about whether there is really such a hurdle.

8. Phone home.

Your parents know you better and love you more than anyone in the world, and they know just what to say. If you haven’t already, create a habit to give them a call at least once a week.

9. Hit the road.

The next time you take a trip, scout ahead. There may be business opportunities for you at your destination, from a potential new client, to the possibility of blogging about your travels.

10. Trust your gut.

The next time you have a big idea, explore it as far as it will go. Don’t let anyone talk you out of it until you have done all the research and planning. You never know where your instinct will take you.



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