The Attitudes of Success and Happiness

Image result for picture of a happy and successful worker
1. The Attitude of Gratitude:
Gratitude is appreciation and thankfulness.  Do you remember the last time you stopped for a moment simply to acknowledge all the good things in your life?  When you’re focused on the big picture, or caught up in day-to-day living, it’s hard to remember to take a step back and count your blessings.
Having a positive, gratitude attitude is basic for high-quality mental health and for all-around success.  Studies show that individuals who have positive attitudes and experience gratitude regularly have a higher rate of happiness and less stress.Learning to see everything in an appreciative, positive way is not easy. However, practice makes it easier.

2. The Attitude of Possibility

Every experience and opportunity is a gift.  It leads to possibility.  Think back on your past experience, good and bad--would you agree that even the most difficult experiences had some sort of silver lining?  Are you somehow better off, or a better person as a result your experience?

The Attitude of Possibility is an art form.  It takes practice and trust to stay open to possibility.  When faced with any challenge, ask yourself, “How might this experience be perfect right now?”  And then ask, “What is possible?”

3. The Attitude of Abundance:

Believe it or not, there’s enough love, money and business to go around. Contrary to popular belief, our world is an abundant place.  Think of how many people are on the planet with needs and how many businesses start up to meet those needs each year.  Every business is unique and attracts its perfect customers.

The attitude here to adopt is--there IS enough.  By simply staying focused on your passion and attracting your perfect customers, you will begin to experience abundance in business and life.  Choose to thrive in a growing, abundant world and see what opens up for you.

4. The Attitude of Service

You are Inspiration!  Not only can you be driven by your inspiration to be a successful person, you can BE inspiration and have a fabulous life too!  Think of yourself as the beautiful, unique jewel that you are. The offering you make to the world is founded on the combination of your vision, your purpose and the gifts you bring. This is where the attitude of service begins.

After all, your values and vision spring from your humanity.  Be you.  Be inspiration.  Be service.  The Attitude of Service is not something you put on and take off when at work.  It is something you carry with you throughout each day.  Someone who truly has the Attitude of Service will always embody the Attitude of Service to other people, no matter what the circumstances.

5. The Attitude of Accountability

Keeping on track to fulfill your goals takes intention.  One of the secrets of success is learning to adopt an Attitude of Accountability.  Human nature tends to follow a path of least resistance.The Attitude of Accountability is about keeping your word--doing what you say you’re going to do.  Keeping your word is a standard or a value that’s attractive and success-producing.


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