4 Ways to Grow Your Business Fast (Without Rushing)

4 Ways to Grow Your Business Fast (Without Rushing)

1. Connect passion to purpose.

Companies that accelerate over the long haul give their people a reason to come to work as humans, not just technicians.
I’ve seen many young companies whose whip-smart founders expected their ideas to deliver magical transformations -- but when the money ran out, and their ideas hadn’t changed the world, disenchantment set in quickly. Other companies, however, could power through the funding gaps, energized by their sense of mission.
To keep accelerating through the challenges of early growth, people need to have a larger goal in sight, one that’s been defined and communicated from the outset. Building a new business is exciting, but what’s truly rewarding is knowing that when you reach your destination, you’ll have changed lives for the better.
It takes time to bring passion to purpose, to look beyond the immediate and connect with a larger human mission. When you do, you’ll have a foundation that’s strong enough to rally teams past the early days, through good times and bad.

2. Find the fast followers.

All the speed in the world won’t get it done if you’re not speeding with the right people.
Hyper-growth runs on the same principle. An audacious hero (or lone nut) can start with an idea, but it’s the fast followers who accelerate. It’s the group of people who pick up the cause, who join the dance, that makes the difference between a company that can’t sustain the pressures of growth, and one that keeps growing.
But despite what “dancing guy” suggests, the right fast followers generally won’t materialize on a hillside.
How do you find these people? Take time to observe and even more time to hire. The teams that can grow together are grounded in a shared sense of creative possibility, and you can’t rush finding and building them.

3. Bring your inner artist to work.

Sustaining growth needs artistry.  Again and again, I’ve seen young companies step back from the pressures of day-to-day business and re-think what they’re doing one more time. You may not be able to take your foot off the gas, but you can simultaneously continually look for fresh insights and approaches.
People who bring artistry to their work, like my father, are the ones who can push their tools to create something that’s built to last. They’ll be able to keep a young company moving forward when money gets short and times get rough, as they always do.

4. Wait for the right investors.

Venture capital loves a moon shot. It’s all about turbocharging, the next big thing, and being a unicorn. What’s missing is how important patient capital can be to long-term success. Just because you’re offered a check doesn’t mean you should cash it.
Young companies in the hunt for funding generally have little financial leverage. Saying yes to the first investor is hard to resist, but if it’s the wrong fit, you can tether people to unrealistic demands, and set a young company up for disappointment.
In fact, investors come in all shapes and sizes. Patient investors know there’s more than one way to succeed. For many young companies, it’s better to scramble and keep the lights on as best you can, while taking time to find partners with the right expectation and time horizons.Of course, speed is essential for growth. But when it matters most, it’s just as important not to rush.



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