Marilyn Monroe once said and I quote "I believe that everything happens for a reason, people change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they are right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together". I never believed this theory till I was faced with a situation. I was invited for an interview last year and I got a call from the company a week after the interview was conducted, getting to the company that morning I realized the management called about five of us out of about 30 people that were present for the interview. We were supposed to undergo a-week training before we commence work fully as it was a new department in the company and we were to write a test after the training. We wrote the test at the end of the week and I passed the pass mark according to the supervisor but I was surprised I was told not to resume with them the following Monday. I was very angry at myself, the company and GOD. I was angry at myself because I felt I wasted my time as there was another organization I was supposed to resume at the same Monday I resumed at the company, not only that I felt I stressed my brain because I really prepared well, in fact I had to study out of what we were taught. I was angry with the company because I felt they should not have called for the training when they knew I won't get the job and lastly I was angry with God because I saw Him as being wicked because I sowed a seed to get the job and yet He didn't make it happen. I didn't know how stupid I was for thinking that way till I got a call from one the ladies that was retained and she said the management has asked all of them to stop coming because they couldn't afford to pay their salary anymore after two months of working with them and they've all been rendered jobless. Then I realized that God had actually saved from the embarrassment and He had allowed me to move on, I had actually a job at the time and I really felt for them. If you have faith in God, you would likely realize that everything do happen for a reason, even when you can't understand it at that very moment. It does because down the line, somewhere in the future, somewhere in the unknown, something else that is so wonderful happen and that is when you realize it would have never come into fruition had you not suffered that earlier tragedy in the first place. According to some research, I have five reasons why you should know that everything happens for a reason: 1. IT Prepares You For What's To Come: One very powerful realization is that everything happens for a reason because it is preparing you for what's to come in life. It is helping to get you ready for a bigger and brighter future. You can't have success without suffering through the pain of defeat. 2. It Makes You More Resilient: Failure, tragedy and defeat makes you more resilient. Not at the time when you are suffering but over time as the weeks, months and years wear on. Often, you will never get over those biggest heartbreaks in life. That is okay because it shapes you into a more resilient person; it hardens you for what's to come. The truth is that tough times never last, but tough people do and the scars that we have receive in life will remind us of where we have been, but they don't necessarily need to dictate where we will go. You don't have to wallow in self misery, lift yourself up and find the beauty in the simple things in life because that is what is important sometimes. There is an old quote that says life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it. 3. It Helps You To Shatter Your Old Beliefs: When something bad happen to us and it is within our control, as in, the circumstances were a product of our behavior, it makes a big impact on our ego, and in fact it shatters our old beliefs. We fall from grace and realize that whatever it is that we were doing, however it is that we were behaving, wasn't all proper. You should look at things differently; you learn to approach it in another way. That is the thing about beliefs, they are ingrained in us from childhood, they are backed into our minds and it is hard so hard to overcome those old beliefs when we are stuck in our ways of living in mediocrity. I am not talking about tragedies here, I am talking about failures that we played a role in. 4. It Helps Invite Progress Not Perfection: It is all about progress not perfection. Imagine being able to improve in any area of your life by just one percent every day, that one percent compounds on itself over time, but too often we don't improve. We actually stay stagnant but until we are jolted out of our old limiting patterns of behavior by some deep amount of pain or failure. That is when life's real lessons kick into high gear. However, when that deep and sudden failure occurs, it opens your eyes to the necessity of making progress. 5. It Makes You More Empathetic And Real: It is hard to be empathetic when you haven't really suffered through major defeat and tragedy. Sue you can be sympathetic still but not empathetic. Empathy only happens when you can truly relate through an experience with someone else, there is real power in that. It makes you far more real and far less superficial, we all have 3 faces. The face we show the world, the face we show family and friends and our other face that we show no one but ourselves. The latter is our true self, what happens when you suffer through a big tragedy is often times those faces merge and you are left with a much more true and real face. In conclusion, always know that God is sovereign and He has the power to do all things. There several reasons why things happen and the good thing is that when bad things happen, God work His purposes out of every situation. What the enemy meant for evil, God can turn into good. God's methods can change but His purposes will ultimately prevail. By: Ibukunola Awosanya IG: @awosanyaibukunola Facebook: Awosanya Oreoluwa


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