Things To Talk About In A Healthy Relationship

Communication is the key to a healthy relationship. However, many people aren’t certain what they should be communicating about. Spend time talking about a variety of topics to grow together as a couple and to prevent your relationship from becoming stale.

These are the things to talk about in a healthy relationship. They are;

1.Your Daily Activities: All of your conversations don’t have to be earth shattering. Spend time talking about your day-to-day activities. Discuss what time you woke up, what you ate for lunch, or what you discussed with a co-worker and help your partner understand what happens when you’re apart.

2.Emotional Growth: Share some information about your emotional growth. If you notice you’ve become wiser, less reactive or more compassionate, share that with your partner. Point out the emotional growth you see in your partner as well.

3.Individual Goals: It’s healthy to have individual goals. Whether you want to lose weight, learn how to prepare Chinese food or learn how to line dance, set some goals for yourself and discuss those goals with your partner.

4.Your Past: Your partner doesn’t need to know every skeleton in your closet. However, sharing information about your past can be very helpful. Talk about your childhood, past experiences or obstacles you’ve overcome. You can also share how much you’ve learned and changed over the years.

5.Your Values: It’s important to share your values with one another. Talk about your priorities in life. It’s important for your partner to know how you feel about work, family, education, friends and leisure time. Let your partner know what types of things you value the most and what changes you may want to make to ensure that you’re living according to your values.


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