
Showing posts from June, 2018

5 Ways That You Can Impact The World & Create Your Own Legacy

A legacy. It’s something that very few men and women in the 20’s, 30’s, and even 40’s really think about. We think about building a successful life . We think about creating a good life for us and our loved one’s. But a legacy? Building a legacy is the furthest thing on our mind. But I’d argue that it should be at the forefront of everything we do. Don’t just focus on building a good life today, create a life that will leave it’s fingerprint on this planet for years to come. Here are 4 ways to leave your mark, starting today 1. Help. A legacy isn’t something that is singular. A legacy is created through having a massive impact on a select few, or a large population. How do you have a massive impact on people? You help them. Giving of our time, energy, and expertise – of which we all have – has a lasting impact on those we help. I still vividly remember the words of an old, successful man who agreed to have breakfast with me. We chatted. He talked about lessons ...

Why You Should Embrace Your Mess

Imperfection runs rampant across the world. In fact, it is so contagious that not a single person is immune or unaffected. We all have our own little messes or storms we're battling and strategies to deal with them—even if those strategies are really just telling ourselves everything is fine. Whether you are struggling with grades, feeling like you're drowning in work or dealing with complicated relationships, it helps if you look at life's messes and challenges as opportunities to learn and grow instead of ways to beat you down. We learn more about ourselves when faced with obstacles and when we're forced to confront our comfort zones. When you're barely keeping your head above water at work or school, what does your response to the stress and pressure say about you? When relationships that you thought you would have in your life for a long time start to unravel, and that feeling of falling apart bleeds into other parts of your life, what do you do? For ...

11 Differences Between Real Friends and Fake Friends

Friendship is one of the best aspects of life. That said, certain friends are certainly much better than others. A real friend and fake friend can be hard to distinguish, but they are very different! Real friends are people you can go to for anything. You know they will always be on your side, through thick and thin. Fake friends might as well be scum of the Earth for all the support they will give you. Use this guide to figure out if your friends are your real friends! 1. Support you in all your endeavors A real best friend will encourage you with anything that you try! Whether it be taking up square dancing, or changing your career path, a real friend will be there every step of the way. 2. Love your dorky personality We all have those dorky things we do on a regular basis. A real friend loves those things! In fact, if they are a true real friend they just might join in with you! 3. Forgive you for anything Sometimes you royally screw up. With fake f...

What Foods Have the Most Brain Vitamins for Enhanced Mental Strength

Your brain is the house your mind lives in. The brain is the most high-powered organ we have and requires the right amount and type of fuel to work properly. When we don’t give our brain the right fuel, it slows us down, dampers our focus, makes us more unhappy and unmotivated. If you want to maximize your brain power so as to increase your focus, think more clearly and live a happier and longer life , then pay attention because this article will give you the top nutrients you need to maximize your brain power and what foods to include in your diet in order to get them. Here are what your brain needs and where to get them: 1. Omega-3’s Your brain is made up of 60% fat so if you want a healthy and optimally performing brain, you need to ensure you’re giving your brain the right building blocks and fat is one of the most important. Fat has been vilified over the years as being the big villain of health, but in reality, high-quality fat is not only good for you, it...

If You Feel Trapped, Do These 9 Things To Take Your Life Back

Are you happy with your life? Many people are unhappy or dissatisfied with their lives, and a lot of these people think that they have no control over their life or what happens in it. However, you have the power to change your own life for the better using your mind and your actions. Check out 9 ways you can take your life back and find happiness here. 1. Live A Lifestyle You Can Afford One of the most stressful ways to live your life is to live above your means. Many people spend more than they earn and get stressed on a daily basis about their financial situation. It is important to treat yourself, but the treat shouldn’t be a big expense. Ask yourself these questions; what do I truly need to survive? Do I need this, or do I want it? Will it bring happiness into my life? 2. Be Aware Of Your Power And Take Responsibility Many people blame others and the world around them for the bad things in their life, but the truth is you have full control of your life. Only y...

4 Reasons Why Working For Someone Else Won’t Get You Rich

A lot of people have big dreams of running their own business and being their own boss, especially in this economy where small businesses are flourishing. Do you have an idea for a business, store, or service you’d like to start? I’ve had many ideas, but something always keeps me from acting on them. Usually, it’s initial capital. I always feel like I need to bide my time working at my current job, saving up as much as I can, then try to launch my own business once I have my savings built up. This seems like a practical approach, right? So why am I still not working for myself? Because I’m not taking risks. To get rich, I have to be my own boss. And to be my own boss, I have to take a risk, put myself out there, and make my money work for me. Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard to start a software company. He was in school, learning technology without a definite study or career plan, until his friend wanted to open a business with him. So Bill became a partner in a c...

10 Benefits of Nutmeg

Nutmeg is a spice that comes from Indonesia but is used all over the world. While it is very well known it is not used as commonly as some other spices. It tends to be used only in small amounts but can still help to make a dish complete. In addition to cooking, nutmeg is used as a remedy for a variety of problems. Its properties are well known and have been used by some of our earliest civilizations. While it does have some medicinal uses, though, it should not be taken in large doses as it is known to have some psychoactive side effects. Nutmeg Benefit #1: Oral Health Not only can oral complications be physically very painful, they can also be quite embarrassing. A build-up of bacteria in the mouth can cause halitosis, which can be quite noticeable to other people. The good news, though, is that nutmeg has properties that can help to fight halitosis and other oral complications. Nutmeg contains anti-bacterial elements that combat the bacteria that cause ha...

7 High-Cholesterol Foods to Avoid

  Research shows that increased body weight is associated with high cholesterol and increased risk for coronary heart disease. Therefore, losing weight and cutting out foods that contribute to weight gain and inflammation help you lower your total cholesterol level. low-density lipoprotein also known as “bad” cholesterol .  The following foods should be avoided to decrease or “bad” cholesterol ( low density lipoprotein ( bad cholesterol) and increase  high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level  (good cholesterol).   1. Canola Oil and Other Processed Vegetable Oils When canola oil undergoes hydrogenation, which it often does to become a partially hydrogenated oil, this increases its level of trans fats. These are a group of fats that you want to avoid as much as possible since they’re scientifically known to increase low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and lower high cholesterol levels.  Research shows that all fatty acids with one or more...

5 Unhealthy Behaviors That Rob You of Happiness

Do you do these things? Many people unwittingly engage in habits that reduce joy. Without meaning to, they repeat misery-making behaviors and wonder why they are downcast. If you want to increase your happiness, quit these self-defeating practices. 1. Listening to critical self-talk Does your inner voice speak out of line? If critical self-talk impedes your happiness, it’s time to stop listening to what it says. Reduce its power by recognizing it pipes up to let you know you’re about to leave your comfort zone. Rather than speaking the truth, it reflects your discomfort. Step outside your natural boundaries, despite what it tells you, and it will fade. 2. People-pleasing Pleasing others is only positive when it pleases you too. When you go out of your way–giving people your time and energy–but secretly dislike doing so, resentment builds. Make it a rule to give freely when it pleases you and hold back at other times, and you’ll be happier. 3. Procrastination D...

Nine Truths Narcissists Will Never Tell You

Narcissists dwell in an alternate reality. They value winning, feeling superior and being the center of attention instead of compassion, equality or empathy. Most narcissists are profoundly insecure. Desperate to avoid feeling ridiculed or not good enough, they try to disguise their insecurities by manipulation and distraction. The last thing they want is to be open or transparent about their motives. If narcissists were to be completely honest about how they approach life, they would likely admit the following: 1. The truth is whatever I say in the moment. I will change it whenever it suits me. I don’t need to be consistent. When I speak, I act 100 percent certain of what I am saying. It’s amazing how often I convince people I am right by speaking with absolute certainty. 2.  I love taking credit but I have no interest in taking responsibility. I never apologize or admit I am wrong. That would appear weak. 3. I am largely unaware of how my actions affect...

3 Steps to Manage Workplace Stress

To effectively manage stress, we need to address it in at least three areas of our lives: our physical health, our mental health, and our sense of purpose. Below, I’ve detailed stress-relieving tips for each of these areas. Step 1: De-Stress Your Body In modern life, we spend far more time engaging our bodies stress responses than we do engaging our relaxation responses. This has serious consequences for our physical health, as too much stress can accelerate the aging process, suppress our immune systems, and leave us feeling fatigued and depressed.  Indeed, the foundation for living a stress-free, physically energized life lies in what we eat, how (and how often) we move, and how much we sleep. The following are some of my favorite tips for eradicating stress on a physical level. 1. Eat whole foods. Processed food can cause us to feel anxious and can even contribute to ADD. We can prevent these symptoms by eating whole foods, eating more fruits and vegetables ...

7 Ways to Overcome Shyness and Social Anxiety

It is estimated that nearly 17 million American adults at some point will meet criteria for social anxiety disorder or social phobia. The number of adults who struggle with shyness greatly exceeds that number. Fortunately, there are some effective strategies to overcome shyness and social anxiety and gain confidence: 1. Act confidently.  Confidence comes through action, learning, practice, and mastery. Remember when you learned how to ride a bike? It was terrifying at first, but after you just went for it and tried it, you got it, and felt confident. Social confidence works the same way. Feeling anxious is not the problem; avoiding social interactions is the problem. Eliminate avoidance and you will overcome your anxiety. 2. Engage.  This means participating in small talk in the checkout line and talking to strangers at bars, stores, sporting events, and the gym. Additionally, approach the individuals to whom you are attracted romantically. Talk to them...