10 ways to stand out among your peers

 Image result for image of someone standing out among peers

Whatever type of work we’re engaged in, it’s natural for us to want to be the best we can be. There will be occasions, for example when we’re going for a promotion or looking to get involved in our employer’s new project or taskforce, when we specifically want to show that we’re the best person for the job. This shouldn’t involve minimising our peers’ achievements or abilities. Here are some tips for standing out while remaining of value to your peers, your team and your employer. 

1. Be Trustworthy 
You must do what you say you’re going to do. When people believe that you’re authentic and honest and they see that in everything you do and say, you’ll begin to stand out in their minds as a shining example of trustworthiness. 
2. Muck In 
Be seen as a collaborative colleague, one that is always up for helping other people around you. Do this only when you can; you can’t be constantly distracted from your main tasks – but when you do have some time freed up, remember to help out to stand out. 
3. Remain Keen to Learn 
The progress, or otherwise, of our professional development is predicated on our commitment to continuous learning. Once the powers that be in our organisation see that we’re keen to attend training courses and seminars, to read and review new books on our industry, to listen to podcasts or read technical journals to do with our sector, they will understand just how serious you are about developing your professional self, both for your own benefit and for that of the employer. 
4. Show Generosity in Sharing and Transferring Knowledge 
Aiming to appear the most knowledgeable about everything will make you stand out – in a bad way. No one likes a know-it-all. There’s nothing wrong with a thirst for knowledge; indeed it is essential for a successful professional career. However, the way to use the knowledge you accumulate is to share that knowledge with your peers and transfer it to younger or more junior colleagues that have a part to play in your company’s succession planning. 
5. Take Responsibility 
Take responsibility for your own career instead of just cruising along and going with the flow. Too many of us believe we can still rely on our employers to manage our career progression for us. If you demonstrate to your organisation that you’re one of the few who recognize this is no longer the case in the 21st century, you’ll be sure to stand out. One way to stay ahead and to take charge of your own career development and learning. Explore our Career Ignition Club and access 1000s of tools and resources to help you do this.
6. Have a Consistent Attitude 
There are certain people who, when you ask how they are, you never know what you’re gong to get. But some people, whenever you ask them, they’re always fine. It’s down to their consistent attitude of mind – even if they have a headache they say they’re okay. A consistent attitude means you show up for life whatever’s going on. Consistency of behaviour will you mark you out as a winner in the workplace. 
7. Show Respect to Earn Respect 
Showing respect is predicated on listening. If you observe people who are respectful and therefore respectable you’ll notice that, when they interact with another individual, they’re interested in the other person and they really listen. Therefore through their active listening they go further in their understanding. 
8. Stay Truthful 
When we’re trying to stand out amongst our peers, the temptation is to fabricate our own achievements or abilities or to do something not entirely honest in order to gain the advantage over one of our colleagues or our organisation’s rivals. When we resist this temptation by respecting the necessary and liberating nature of complete honesty, that’s when we really shine. 
9. Show Interest and Curiosity 
Another temptation when trying to stand out from others is to try and keep all the focus on us. A better way to be memorable is to show less interest in ourselves and more interest in others. By having a genuine curiosity in the people we’re working with and with the organisation’s other stakeholders such as customers, suppliers and external contractors, we show a side to us that marks us out as a worthwhile and valuable worker. 
10. Deal with Mistakes 
Being an outstanding colleague and employee doesn’t mean that nothing will ever go wrong with a project you’re working on or with a work relationship. If a mishap occurs or you make a mistake, address it directly instead of burying your head in the sand. 



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