Persistence, passion and perseverance: the 3 keys to career success

Creating career success doesn’t just happen. It’s not pure luck and not handed out on a silver platter. It is something we create ourselves.

We all have our own definition of what career success is. There is no one definition that fits everyone, but we will all use common benchmarks when we determine what career success means to us.

Some success criteria could be: money, income, wealth, status, confidence, happiness, promotions, hours of employment, age of retirement, leadership positions and so on. Other commonalities are that all definitions of success are likely to include positive, motivating, progressive and expansive language.
To achieve career success, we need to work for it! And, it’s more than just showing up every day – it’s showing up and making a positive, productive difference. There are many ways to achieve success, but I believe that to achieve your personal career goals, whatever they may be, you need to have persistence, passion and perseverance.


Persistence pays off. It’s all about turning up and taking constant action. To grow our careers and to achieve success, we must complete all of the steps required along the way. The pathway is not often easy and there are no shortcuts! You have to show up and do what is required. And if something doesn’t work out or if you face challenges, as will happen, you just have to keep persisting and continue moving forward.


Passion is all about loving what you do. It’s showing enthusiasm and pure joy about whatever it is that interests you! People who are passionate about their careers are generally motivated, inspiring and enthusiastic. They demonstrate their passion by being excited and positive about what they do. They are people who are interesting to be around and achieve success purely because they love what they do. Their enthusiasm and passion is contagious!


Perseverance and grit are key ingredients to career success. Within every career, there are challenges. Challenges are a test – they test our commitment, risk taking skills, ability to overcome difficulties and confidence, to stretch our comfort zones and so on. We are all capable of achieving career success: it just comes down to how much perseverance, grit and determination we have. These qualities are pre-requisites for success. Just like the story of the tortoise and the hare. It’s not about getting to the finish line first, it’s about taking your time, being thorough, challenging yourself, setting goals and taking action every day to achieve your own success. Persevere – it’s worth it!


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