8 Subtle but Practical Ways to Promote Yourself at Work

8 Subtle but Practical Ways to Promote Yourself at Work
Nobody likes being in a rut. It can be very frustrating to see others getting quicker advancements, better pay, easier access to management and other perks, while you are left out. Yet all this could be happening simply because you don’t promote yourself at work.

What's more, a lot of benefits will continually elude you if you fail to promote yourself. So will many perks. Life isn't fair! You will not always get all the chances you deserve. But nobody can promote you until you are seen as worth promoting -- and you are the best promoter you will ever have, as long as you don't overdo it.
Here are some subtle things you can do to advance your career without raising any dust or getting tagged as "not a team player."

1. Circulate relevant information.

If you come across vital information that could be important to your colleagues, don’t hesitate to pass it over to them. This will help them see you as someone with their best interest at heart. 
These little gestures have a way of coming up in people’s minds when a need to make recommendations arises.

2. Be quick to volunteer.

Does your boss want someone to join a new committee? Volunteer. What about that extra presentation that came up at the last minute? Be the one to handle it.
The more you project yourself as someone who is always reliable, the easier it will be for your bosses to acknowledge how easy you make their jobs.
Also, your willingnes to step up will make it obvious that you are not just working for the next paycheck, but rather want to make things work overall.
Whom do you think they will recommend if a new slot appears for promotion? Well, you, of course.

3. Become more innovative.

It is very common for an organization to face a problem once in a while. You could be the one to discover the solution. Or it could just be that you happen to reveal a better method of performing a standard task.
Implement it. Doing this will put you in people's "good" books automatically, and your value will increase.

4. Compliment your colleagues.

Insecure people will do everything not to project another person’s strong points. Guess what? Insecure people easily get passed over for strategic positions.

5. Take the high road.

Draw attention to the achievements of your colleagues. This attitude will establish you as a positive individual among your colleagues. It will make them start looking up to you without even realizing it.
If they are ever asked to recommend someone to lead, apart from themselves, they will recommend you. You are probably the only one who treats them well and makes them feel good.

6. Speak up.

The conventional thing to do is not to speak when you are privileged to be in a meeting with your superiors. On the contrary, however, you should speak up.
So, express your opinions when they are relevant. If you are right, it will be noted that you were the one that made the much-needed helpful suggestion.

7. Praise your subordinates.

If you are in a position where some people are working under you, make sure you praise them whenever they do a good job. This works for you in two ways.
First of all, your subordinates will be motivated to work harder. That means you will have better results to report at the end of the day. Second, your reputation as a great supervisor will increase.

8. Expand your knowledge.

Never be satisfied in knowing only the little you were taught during your various trainings. Get more skills which will be relevant in your organization. Go for more knowledge. Study more. Find out all you can about your organization. You will never know when such information will be needed.
While I was working at a bank job, I was the go-to guy for anything that had to do with the Microsoft Office application. This helped me get some special perks and nice treatment from my immediate supervisor and even the business manager.
When I was about to leave that bank, my boss wrote a very wonderful recommendation for me. And that was after doing everything she could to make me stay.
The above suggestions are not flamboyant, attention-grabbing or extravagant. On the contrary, they are subtle. They will get you ahead without making you come across as self-serving. And getting ahead is definitely what you want.

SOURCE: www.entrepreneur.com


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