How to stave off boredom and stay excited in business

 Image result for how to get excited when you are bored with your business
Using a similar scale you could place both happiness and sadness at the top end of the spectrum. So what is the opposite of happiness?

The opposite of happiness is boredom.

If you figure out what it is that excites you and pursue this consistently with both enthusiasm and passion, you are unlikely to be plagued by feelings of boredom.

5 ways to remain excited about your business

There is a feeling of excitement and expectation when starting a new business. But it is hard to keep yourself motivated once the initial enthusiasm has worn off. Here are five ideas to help keep you inspired and out of the boredom zone.

1. Start each day with a series of positive questions. What would excite me today? What do I want to spend my time doing? What am I looking forward to?  Motivation comes from within, and when you are excited about the day ahead you can achieve great things.

 2. Eliminate the things that you don’t enjoy doing. That may be easier said than done, but I bet there are some things you could delegate. This may mean investing in a training program for a member of your staff. But the benefits are two-fold – you empower your team, but more importantly you free yourself to think about your business with new enthusiasm.

3. What is it about your business that excites you? Ask yourself why you thought your business was a good idea in the first place. Re-assess your service or product – apply a new creative idea to rekindle your enthusiasm. Connect and network with people who may give you a new perspective to consider.

4. Take a look at your environment. Your surroundings can stimulate or dampen your motivation. Try working in an alternative space. Find a new place to work for a day or longer. Change the décor of the room in which you work.

5. Take a short break. When you feel the onset of boredom, take a break. Go for a walk, visit the gym, meditate, read a book or magazine. Do anything that you enjoy that provides a moment of escape. If your business allows, set yourself a challenge outside of work that excites and stimulates you. The satisfying feeling of success can then be used to reignite your motivation at work.
What are you going to do today that excites you?


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